
Chapter 27: Earth and Water

Princess Ava seems restless beside her Queen Mother. It seems time is of the essence for her.

Suddenly she turns to her King Father, as soon as the throne room is almost empty excluding a few Water fairies left behind to assist them for what they might require.

"King Father, I would like to seek your permission to allow me to join our rangers on their mission at the Orange Haven. I am your best ranger. Overseeing the mission would be for the best interest of our people."

Princess Ava bows to his King Father.

"My daughter, our other rangers can handle this mission. It is agreed upon that it would only be to observe. There is no need for your presence there."

Queen Meridian stands, and then pulls her daughter from her bowed position.

"Queen Mother, I have every right to be with the rest of the other rangers! King Father has prepared me so well and being a ranger, it is my duty to do so!"
