
Chapter 24: Another Kind of Goodbye

Aramir found Caspian sitting with his legs crossed under the elm tree. He is staring blankly at the bridge leading back to the Valley.

"He's been like that since he came out from the hall. What's wrong with him? I didn't ask him. I knew that he likes to be alone."

Cleo shouts at Aramir as a precaution.

Cleo, just like Caspian, is tremendously skilled in camouflage and also similarly a keen observer. She has been watching him from atop the elm tree since his arrival there. She allows Caspian the solitude he seeks.

Aramir, as stubborn and impulsive as he can ever be, ignores Cleo's warning. He sits beside Caspian under the elm and waits for a few moments for Caspian to acknowledge him. When Caspian does not react, Aramir taps his shoulder in a brotherly fashion.

"Caspian, I am aware that you prefer to be left alone but the Princess has requested to have a word with you before we go to the Orange Haven for our mission."

Aramir says as casually as possible.
