
You should say hello

The four knights rode through the forest roads, they were on standby with their respective weapons.

Passing through the forest was not an easy matter for them, there are so many dangers that lurk into them.

"Did you hear that voice?" Lucas asked, preparing to draw his arrow. his face looked alert with his eyes tracing every dark shadow of the dense trees.

Something stole his instinct to stay alert.

"It's still light, nothing bad will happen in this forest," Arnold said with a calm face.

Hearing Arnold's arrogant voice, Lucas just cleared his throat, he was the oldest here so he was acting mature.

"You're a very confident young man," Lucas replied then with a big smile, showing a row of teeth behind the steel helmet he was wearing.

"Of course, but I'm still worried about someone here, among us." Arnold turned to Leah with furrowed brows, so he meant he was worried about Leah right now, well, he's paying attention too.
