
The partial awakening and the voice of the ancient

<Congratulation you have fully gained the trait of the Supreme Emperor>

<Congratulation you have learned the skill Oath of AzaRath>

An Oath with Emperor Asura this Oath can be between an group of 2 to an immeasurable amount of people that wishes to serve AzaRath in anyway they can in return they get one wish from the emperor but if the Oath is broken the one who made it soul will be completely erase from exitance.

<Congratulations you learned the skill Demeanor of the Emperor>

There is a time and place for everything there is a time for fun and there a time to step up and act more like an emperor this skill will only activate when it necessary.

<Congratulations you learned the skills Will of the Emperor>

A buff type skill that turn desire of the emperor subjects into power the more stronger the subject desire to carry out the emperor will the more the subject will drain there own desire and turn it into raw power.

<Congratulations you have gain the skill The Mark of AzaRath>

A rose mark that determine the hierarchy within AzaRath you can of course give and takes these marks away. Of course high governing bodies can also give these mark to other as well and any one who joins the military will get a mark depending on there given ranks.

{P.S} These marks will turn purple and black from time to time purple indicates if the person is a spy while black indicates if they had betrayed the Empire and they will only turn back to it respective color when they reveal the entire truth.

<Due to unique nature of the skill The Mark of AzaRath please create hierarchy within AzaRath>

1. ???

2. ???

3. ???

4. ???

5. ???

6. ???

7. ???

8. ???

9. ???

10. ???

11. ???

12. ???

Asura: This trait is really convenient it not only gives me the ability to become a good emperor that will lead my people. It also has the ability to buff my subjects when the time is needed for power when we are active within wars or any serious battle. I also like this hierarchy system there seem to be 12 slots of any rank I can make within AzaRath. Obviously im going to make a couple of these rank the highest possible rank within AzaRath and only give these ranks to the people who I can trust. I also like the fact that I don't have to worry about spies and people who dares betrays the empire.

Asura spend an entire hour making his new hierarchy system and this was what he came up with.

True leading body: Red Mark

All individual ranking from royal red to rose red have the highest authority within AzaRath these marks can only be given by Emperor Asura himself.

1. The Royal family

The sole founders and creators who holds supremacy over all within AzaRath.

The Supreme Emperor Asura: Royal Red Rose

The Supreme Empress: Royal Red Rose

The Prince: Royal Red Rose

The Princess: Royal Red Rose

2. Heroes of AzaRath: Neon Red Rose

These are AzaRath strongest Soldiers and also the royal family royal guards

3. Supreme Commander: Crimson Red Rose

The highest leading Military head within AzaRath the person with this position has the authority to command even the royal family royal guards if necessary along with AzaRath entire military forces.

4. Elite personal maids of Asura: Rose Red Rose

These are Asura personal maid squad only maids who made the oath of AzaRath to live, serve and make there sole existence only to serve Asura can become apart of these Elite maids forces this squad of maids are split in two groups.

A. Battle maids

Maids that are extremely versatile in battle and scouting these are Emperor Asura personal body guards.

B. Maintenance maids

Maids that are train in all aspect of house work they are even train in basic form of martial arts and is equipped with a weapon of choice for self defense. These maid are extremely intelligent and train in the art of torcher and interrogations.


Major Leading body: Blue Mark

These are the major political bodies within the Empire ranking from Baron as the lowest and Duke as the highest. These four noble ranks come together and form the senate of AzaRath.

5. Duke: YInMn Blue Rose

6. Marquess: Royal Blue Rose

7. Earl: Diamond Blue Rose

8. Viscount: Sky Blue Rose

9. Baron: Dark Blue Rose


Lesser leading bodies: Gold, Silver and Bronze Mark

These are the Military forces of AzaRath

10. Guardian Commander: Dark Gold Rose

The second highest military command within AzaRath army the person with this role can command all military forces except the royal guards and supreme commander.

11. Guardian Lieutenant: Neon Gold Rose

The person with this role can command all lesser ranking guardian and can only control the Military elite forces or squadron and squads when the guardian commander is not present or permission from a higher ranking authority.


12. Guardian

Ranks of the military of AzaRath

A. Guardian Captain: Gold Rose

The captain of a squad is a position that allows you to give orders to an assign squad elite or not

B. Guardian Admiral: Dark silver Rose

The assistant captain of a squad and can also give orders to an assign squad when the captain is not present.

C. Guardian Commanding Officer: Silver Rose

These are the officers that hold a station within AzaRath and lead and command a small unit of a 100 knights.

D. Guardian knight Captain: Rusty Bronze Rose

This position is given to the leader or also known as a captain who leads a small squad of 10 guardian knights who main job is to patrol AzaRath.

E. Guardian knights: Bronze Rose

These are regular soldiers within AzaRath they are task with protecting the empire and stopping crimes, arresting and also kill and apprehend if necessary.

After Asura was done making a hierarchy system within AzaRath he then laugh to himself if it was before he couldn't even bothered with politics now he had a steady foundation and how he wanted the hierarchy to work. The ones at the top will always live a life of bliss while those at the bottom will have a good income and live a rather content life but they can work them selves up the rank this way they will work hard and this will bring great benefits to AzaRath.

Asura: Now that is settled I should now pay attention to my Automata waifu then from there check out the rest of the rewards I got I also saw one of my favorite swords the sword of rupture EA hehehe I wonder were does these things come from.

<The sword of rupture EA was stolen from a random alternate universe from within the gates of Babylon in order to reward Asura>

Asura: Wait what Cortana did you just rob the king of heroes of his most prize weapon to give me as a reward.






Asura: PFFFFHAHAHA You just rob the king of heroes of EA that's fucking hilarious O GOD I cant take it this it too fucking much it too funny and hilarious awwwww I can only imagine his face when he notice his beloved EA is gone. Wait doesn't that mean all my automatian were kidnapped from there respectable universes as well.


Asura: Wait seriously doesn't that mean that this 2b still hates God for punishing all of man kind


Asura: Fuck this might be a problem not by the fact that 2B will definatley want to kill me but it will become a pain in the ass if someone tries to kill you repeatedly she will obviously fail and try to do this over and over till it gets annoying. *Sigh* I don't want hurt 2b nor do I want to program her if she tries to kill me when I go and meet her I will just come up with something when the time comes so for now lets read all the information about this Automata bundle. Cortana can you please show me the first set of EX rewards from the automata bundle that I receive but this time please add description and while your at it please create instruction manual on the yoRHa weapon kit I receive. Nier Automata has a lot of weapons and I will like to know how they are created and how to use them properly.

<Affirmative now showing the first set of EX rank rewards with description>

<you gain the following>

1. YoRHa unit 2B

This 2B is from the cannon world Nier automata this 2B is the 2B at the very begging of the game before she met yoRHa scanning unit 9S. 2 Type B (Battle) or 2B she is a YoRHa android created to battle the machine lifeforms that have invaded the planet on behalf of the surviving humans. 2B is an all-purpose battle android, deployed as a member of the automated YoRHa infantry. She often wear gothic like set up an 2 pairs of advance visor on her eyes that look like blindfolds.

2. YoRHa unit 9S

This 9S is also from the Cannon he was kidnapped by the mighty Cortana when he was flying his flying unit towards 2B as a reward for her master Asura. 9S is a scanner type android who served during the 14th Machine War. He has an attack function, but it is an android that specializes in investigative purposes—a member of the automated infantry squad, YoRHa, who triumphs in hacking-based information collection.

3. YoRha unit A2

YoRHa unit A2 is also from the cannon she is an older model of machine.A2 or YoRHa No. 2 Type A is a female android that formerly served YoRHa in the game Nier Automata. She is an prototype android model that was used as a based to create 2B and 9S. She was deployed to Earth as apart of the Pearl Harbor mission in 11941 during the 14th Machine War.

4. YoRha black box: infinite

An infinite amount of black boxes each YoRHa unit is equipped with a "black box", an item created by reusing the core of a machine lifeform. As such, it could be said that the consciousnesses of YoRHa units and machine lifeforms share the same structure.

5.Nier weapon kit: infinite

An Infinite amount of Nier automata melee weapon also including flight units.

6. you gain Lacia

This Lacia was from an alternate universe were she was incomplete she needs a power source that can serve as a power force for her if you can activate her you will gain this universe first ever 40th Super Intelligent AI. Since she is in state of in activeness you can further improver her as well.

7. You gain Ryuzu

This is Initial Y-series first unit she was built under the concept of one who serves. This Ryuzu was from and alternate universe were every clock smith in the world try to fix her but fail this happen for millions of years till one day the clock work planet extended life came to and end. The world was destroyed she floated in spaces for 10,200,895,000 years she experience all this while her consciousness was still intact. She was trapped in an never ending cycle of life and death she grief she cried she went insane she accept she denied she wish for death she been in a stagnated state for so long she gain enligthment and gain true super consciousness. Please be advised doe she is badly damage and needs urgent repair if you want to add her to your automata harem collection you need to fix her ASAP.

8. You gain 3x Black Monolith

3 pair of hIE Lacia weapon , Black Monolith, doubles as a cannon and shield. It gives her the ability to make things invisible by bending light via a coating meta materials and fire rail guns by controlling electromagnetic fields.

9. You gain Automata Respawn Bunker x1

As long as you re upload your data to the bunker before death you can respawn with your memories within that time to the bunker if not you will keep your recently uploaded memories next time you respawn.

10. You gain YoRha unit pods infinite

You gain an infinite unit pods these pods are tactical support units that are the standard assigned Pods to YoRHa soldiers in Nier: Automata. They are mainly loaded with various weapons for long-ranged attacks. These Pods display correspondence from the command center and exchange operational intelligence between units.

11. you gain YoRHa moon base

YoRHa moon base is giant facility with state of the art technology installed within it.

12. You gain YoRha Unit Commander White

This commander white is also from the cannon she was kidnapped by Cortana as well when she was talking to 9S on meeting up with unit 2B. As the commander of all YoRHa forces, she determines all large-scale strategies as well as directs, deploys and oversees all units from her station at the Bunker outpost in Earth's orbit.

13. You gain YoRha uniform bundle Infinite

You gain an infinite amount of unit 2B and 9S battle outfit or also know as there default outfit. Don't be fool although these outfit might just look like some weebs wet dreams but these outfit came equipped with state of the art bullet and fire proof function these outfits were created to fight freely in and also 2B outfit increase sex appeal by 50,000 when whole and 100,000 during self destruct mode. You also get state of the art blindfold visors that allows you to see heat signatures and equipped night vision as well and also a Hud that is connected to main base these out fit force heat out to not make YoRHa androids over heat.

Asura was stunned by the some of discoveries he got from these descriptions from the origins of Lacia and YoRHa units completely ignoring the fact that the system is kidnapping people and stealing from other it makes you wonder how the shit did this almighty system came from the heaven above. Asura was happy about the infinite amount of weapons and advanced futuristic resources he gather but he was really concern about Ryuzu he was actually kind of sorry for her since in the cannon she was in a state of life and death for 206 years but now she been like this for over 10 trillion years I can only pity her not only that she is badly damage how the hell do I fix her.

<Due to Asura desires the system has concluded that Asura should buy Sirus Inheritance for 600,000DP>

<The system has concluded that Asura should also buy the Primordial Klaxosapian bloodline for 20,000AP since Sirus inheritance would further increase and show way better results than the original>

Asura: Cortana buy it while at the same time please explain what is Sirus Inheritance I already have an Idea of were that bloodline came from and if what I think it is im grateful to the system.

<Affirmative now purchasing Sirus Inheritance and Primordial Klaxosapian bloodlines >

<Sirus Inheritance purchased>

<240,000DP remaining>

<5,000AP remaining>

<Sirus Inheritance is the inheritance of the alien God Sirus who created a planet of cyborg and android he was initially created by the king of Klaxosapian Minus and place on a planet that had an immeasurable amount of resource. He then started to create more androids the more material he converted into parts. He took dead organism and brought them back to life as cyborg he did this for 20 million years until the a planet of android and cyborg was born he did all this with a ancient device that was call the Nano cube. More years passed an he still created more androids and cyborgs till civilization develop further and further and androids became smarter and smarter till they created bio bodies after conquering planets aft planets they continue to evolve further and became sentient mind HIVE entities known as Virm. They eventually went into a never ending war with the Klaxosapian completely wiping them out but during the war Sirus met his end and no one knows were he left or put the Nano cube>

Asura was shocked did he just got the true origins and story of the long last extinct klaxosapian history from the anime Darlin in the Flanxx. so then does this mean he got his answer from his previous question. So does this mean I will get tentacles for some good tentacle play hell yea.

<You have gained the 2nd Ancient artifact of the Klaxosapian royal family Nano Cube>

An Ancient artifact as old as the dawn of mortal creation it is a black cube the size of a Rubik's cube it measure at 5.6 centimeters on each side inside it radiates a neon blue light between the 54 smaller cubes which make the black and blue Rubik cube. It has the ability to turn a set amount of organic matter to any bionical structure or parts the user desire it also have advance life support and AI system to help fix or create androids or cyborgs it also has treasury inside but only a klaxosapian royal can enter it with the final ability of turning into any size or shape the user desires. It is advised to do a bloodline transplant of the Primordial Klaxosapian bloodline to fully use the power of the Nano cube.

<Would you like to do a bloodline transplant Yes/No>

Asura was existed with the ancient treasure and wanted to use the full power of this God like artifact and instantly press yes without hesitation little did Asura know that during his bloodline awakening he caused serious mayhem within the multiverse and the world he was in and got the attention of all major big figures.

Asura: HAAHHAAHHAHAH here I come tentacle play.

Asura then started to glow blue and started to scream not in pain since he loose all aspect of pain but from the massive energy that was escaping from in him.

Mean while in the deepest part of Dracula's castle Lucy was putting in some maintenance work on the Castle engine Lucy start to feel an extremely oppressive and dominant Aura coming from above then the castle starts shaking from the force of the awakening Lucy started the tremble she didn't understand why but she didn't have time for that she knows something big is about to happen and she also know that the only person in the whole entire multiverse who can cause an uproar like this out of nowhere was her one and only beloved master Asura and soon to be husband her face blush at the taught she was like this for like 5 minutes giggling and smiling to herself and then suddenly she slapped her face to snap back to reality and then said to herself.

Lucy: I need to controlled myself I can always ask master to spoil me later but now I got to go and see what the bloody hell he is doing up there.

And like that Lucy snapped her fingers and seemingly disappear from the engine room almost instantly she teleported to the oppressive energy and when she reach she was greeted by the brightest YInMn Blue in her life her master Asura was glowing extremely hot and brightly the surrounding area was already melting the iron throne was already turn into molten metals and scraps even the floor and walls was melting. She then looked at her master he then started to scream but it didn't sound like scream that is shouted in agony but those that are been force.


Asura was shouting on the top of his lungs he continue to shine brighter and brighter till everything in the room started to melt he then felt like someone was in the same room as him he then look to the right and what he saw shocked him Lucy was trembling he didn't understand why she was trembling but he didn't have time to focus on her right now because he felt something huge was coming out of his back. Then something gigantic came bursting out of his back a huge tail came bursting out his back with that a blue liquid flew everywhere his tail was almost 2 times larger than him it look like a mixture of a T-rex tail and a Dragon tail it color was full black with weird YInMn blue zig zag pattern on it but it didn't stop there.

Asura then began to feel like something else was coming out from his back but it didn't felt like one no it felt like thousands. Just like that a massive burst of energy came flying out of Asura body along with thousands of spider like tentacle appendages came shooting out of his back .This greatly surprise Lucy but what shocked her more was that the fact that he is producing so much compress energy that it start producing shockwave with the force of a hundred million compress titanic plates. Due to the immense force Lucy was sent flying straight through the castle walls and right into space. When she was sent flying and what she saw around her shocked her beyond belief all the nearby planets, stars, moon it didn't mattered all of it started to turn to rubble and dust due to the immense shockwaves but that wasn't what shocked her the most it was the the space around her was tearing as far as the eyes can see. Reality in a whole started to distort till the point were it was at its breaking point were it would soon collapse on it self Lucy then started to tremble and it finally hit her what this feelings was.

Lucy: I...…m af...r....ai…d of mmm....….MMAAAA...…ST....ER!

Lucy said all that in a very scared tone her voice was trembling her mouth was shaking and she also have cold seeds all over her body then it hit her she truly accept the fact that she felt fear toward her master a feeling she taught she would never feel again that it was impossible for her to feel it and then she said to herself while floating in space trembling in fair.

Lucy: How stupid was I to think that if one truly master the full capacity of the brain they would become numb to things such as fear and look at me now im scared shitless of the event that is going on around me truly im foolish I should have known better that no matter how strong one get we are living creature with instinct that were created with in order for our survival and feeling fair was like a warning from the brain to run and survive it only natural that fair wouldn't truly go away but it can only be pause momentarily before it is needed again in order to protect the body and send signal of warning for it to run.

Then Lucy started to stand straight and look all around her she knewed that because of the sudden awakening Asura was going through he is forcibly breaking the seal she then said.

Lucy: This is not good I have to contain him some of the energy and shockwaves are escaping to the real world.

Lucy then flew back toward the castle and when she reach she saw a naked person standing he has YInMn blue skin with long flowing sky blue-white hair and prominent blue eyes with glowing blue pupils. He has dark lines under his eyes and all around his body he also has thousands of spider-like appendages coming from his back and what seems to be a crown on his head, with two blue horns protruding from the center: one from his forehead and another from the back of the head but he was still producing a lot of energy. When Lucy saw her master she was absolutely charm by him he looks so mesmerizing to the eyes she feel like she would forgive her master for anything he does just because of his stunning looks she then started to slap her self to focus but she couldn't she cant take her eyes of her master glorious appearance the world will end because she was too charm by him until she heard the saving grace that was in the form of Cortana in her head .

<Due to Asura awakening a Ancient primordial bloodline and his power spiraling out of control and is a treat to the seal and the outside world it self and the Administrator Lucy seems to be in a trance state of a really strong charm the system will now take over the body of Lucy and fix the problem before further damage is done to the seal and the outside world>

From there Lucy drop unconscious and Cortana took over, now we can see a blond hair woman glowing green eyes and an emotionless look she then started to look at Asura and said in an emotionless tone while aiming both her arm toward Asura and then said.

<< The host Asura is is ripping the fabric of the seal and is damaging the real world now activating counter strike mode>>

<<Counter strike mode activating code name nerf>>

<<Typing in passcode for the activation of counter strike mode>>

<<ID#: 247878592797942797>>

<<User: System administrator>>

<<Passcode: 95786475198472>>

<<Activating counterstrike mode>>

From there Cortana then began to say an amount of words that sound like names for attacks and sealing techniques.

<<Counter strike mode activated>>

<<Now using perfect barrier>>

<<Now using Sound barrier>>

<<Now using sealing paradox>>

<<Now using Prometheus chain>>

<<Now Using perfect revert>>

<<Now Using Reality correction>>

Then a green dome like barrier started to cover Asura body it covered it till all his tentacle were sucked into it if one were to look at this scene they would see a giant ball of YInMn blue and black tentacle inside a green barrier then another barrier appear but this one a blue cube barrier that block all sounds then once more another barrier appear but this one was a pyramid shape barrier and was purple everything inside seems to stop even the shockwaves stop in places as if it was stuck in time but for some reason there energy was still leaking then a giant black chain started to wrap itself around the barriers and started to absorb all the energy Cortana then said

<<Uncontrollable energy source has been dealt with>>

<<Now repairing the space and time anomaly around the crack parts of the seal>>

After Saying that the space around the seal look like it started to revert back to it original state and reality around them seem to come at a halt and start returning everything back to normal yes Cortana was correcting reality around the seal she will continue doing this till Asura was stable.


Meanwhile on the outside

Natsumi and Emilia were having dinner with Roswal J. Mathers or as we call her Julia she had long indigo hair with different colored eyes, the right one being blue and the left one being yellow. While her overall appearance was similar to her descendants, she instead wore a purple top, white tights, black boots, and a black and red cape. When Natsumi first saw her she could only taught one thing.

Natsumi: This girl is definatley here and about with the way how she is dress with those tight clothes on herself or what we would call it back at home a quick 20$ release was what moms like to call it well me for one like to call this type a giga slut.

That was her honest opinion about Julia when she first met her but if you would ask her now she would say she was probably the most chilliest person she met in her entire 17 years of life. Not only that she was probably like the older sister she never had not only does she allows me to drink and smoke within this mansion she also like drinking and smoking as well. Don't get me wrong Natsumi parent were badasses in every sense of the word but they would never allow Natsumi to drink and smoke before reaching 21 which was weird since they allow her to kill people and sell drugs but wouldn't allow her to try take any of them. Of course Natsumi would do it behind their backs and surprisingly weed exists inside the Re:zero world it was brought here by the God of merchants Hoshin which she instantly knewed he was from beyond the great water fall just like her.

As she was thinking about the first time she came here she was disturbed by the comments of Rem.

Rem: Natsumi what do you think about your new life here at Lungunica.

Natsumi: Its amazing im having the most amazingness fun here especially with all of you girls here it amazing.

???: Of course your having fun here your with me after all.

Said a white hair elf girl.

Natsumi: Of course my little sister Emi you do bring the most joy to my life here at the mansion.

Emilia: Thanks big sis Natsumi.

???: Well I'm glad your enjoying your stay at my home Natsumi.

Natsumi: Of course big sister Julia these couple of weeks since I was her has been the best time I had ever spent in my entire life with new friends and family.

Julia: HEHEHE im glad your happy what do you think of throwing another one of your so call Karaoke night.

Then a cat spirit came out of the green jewel in Emilia gem and started singing.

???: This hit, that ice cold Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold This one, for them hood girls Them good girls, straight master pieces stylin wildin.

Every one start to laugh at Puck antics

Natsumi: At this rate puck you could make a debut as a K-pop star in no time but you got to start singing K-pop related songs.

Puck: HEHEHEHE praise me more ehh what's K-pop?

Now then lets get back to eating Julia said and with that everyone then began to enjoy there meal but all of a sudden Natsumi ask the question.

Natsumi: Were Ram

Julia: Now that you mention it I Saw her in the main hall cleaning the sword scabbard

Natsumi: Wait are you serious I want to see the sword.

And like that Natsumi went running out of the room to see the sword at this sight everybody started to laugh and just followed Natsumi into the main hall. It took Natsumi about fifteen seconds to reach the main hall and there he saw Ram walking toward her and a close black boxed were the sword sleep.

Natsumi: RAAAAMM let me see the sword please.

Ram: OH Natsumi what are you doing here

Natsumi: RAM I begged of you please let me see the sword of the demon God.

When Ram heard her silly reason for coming here she frown a little because she already went to clean the box and the scabbard of the sword and already put it back in the box she felt little annoyed and was about to denied but heard the voice of Julia saying.

Julia: Come on Ram just show her the sword once its not like anything bad will come of it

Natsumi and Ram look towards Julia direction and said.

Natsumi: Thank you big sis Julia I owed you one ohh you brought everyone out here as well

Ram: *Sigh* fine I will show you the Demon God Sword.

And with that Natsumi, Julia, Rem, Ram, Emilia and Puck went to the alter were the sword rest Ram then proceed to open up the box and then out of nowhere a surge of shock wave came from the box and launch Ram at the the speed of sound into one of the mansion walls everyone then shouted.

Natsumi: RAM!

Emilia: RAM!


Julia: RAM!

Puck: RAM!

Everyone was shocked and ran towards Ram she wasn't injured that bad but she had cuts and bruises all over the first to ask what happen was Rem as she say in a concern voice.

Rem: Sister what happen are you alright.

Natsumi: Yea what the hell happen back there.

Emilia: Ram are you all right.

Julia: Can you please explain what the hell happen.

Puck: Guys I have really bad feeling I sense something really bad is about to descend upon this World.

Everyone was shocked at Puck words but they still look at Ram with concern she didn't answered no she was looking at something behind them then they all saw something they would never forget about for the rest of there life the absolute bliss and euphoria on Ram face yes this ice cold queen ram was actually smiling and honest smile for the first time in her entire life it similar to the smile she has when talking to Rem and Julia but this one is way different it was if she found a whole new purposed in life she then point her fingers forwards as if telling us look behind and you will find out and she said while still pointing.

Ram: Kami sama is about to descend upon this world!

She said these words in a soft and exited tone, everyone was shock at her statement and look behind and was even more shock at what they saw. They saw a floating box that was bursting a shock waves from it not as strong as before but strong enough to make no one get close to it Natsumi then ask.

Natsumi: Does this happen on a regular basis.

Then everyone then replied to Natsumi at the same time.

All: Not at all this is the first time this is happening.

As there voice went off at the same time and echoed through the room Puck then said.

Puck: Lia we have to get out of here the same go for you guys as well.

As puck said this with worried concerned and fear in his voice he was answered back with this.

Emilia: NO! Puck I don't want too its not every day we get to witness re-birth of a God.

Ram: NOOO I don't care I want to see our God descend upon this world this has always been the purpose of the Oni clan we swore that we will protect this sword even if it cost us our lives and now he is finally about to be awaken in all his magnificent glory.

Rem: Nii sama is right this whole sword and it integrity is the purposed of our existence and we finally get to see him descend in all his glory.

Julia didn't said anything and just said in her head

Julia {in her head}: This wasn't written in the gospel could it be that Rem and Ram so called God has the ability to hide it self from the aspect of fate it self. Everything that happen around me the gospel reveal but why it didn't said anything about this could it be that h....

Before Julia could say anything he was interrupted by the words of familiar voice and everyone also heard it as well.

???: I think we should listen to bubby I suppose

???: Whatever the hell is in that seal it wont last long till it completely awaken I suppose

Everyone then look at the direction the voice and saw a little girl she looked like a petite girl with long cream colored hair that is fashioned into a twin drill shape on either side of her head. She wore a mini crown on her head along with a dress that only royalty can wear everyone then said at the same time.

Julia: Beatrice sama

Rem: Madam Beatrice

Ram: Beatrice sama

Emilia: Ms. spirit

Natsumi: Shut in loli

Puck: Beatrice!

This loli was of course everyone favorite shut in loli she then began to ignore Natsumi comments and began to explain to everyone with her hundreds of years of knowledge.

Beatrice: I sense something with great power trying to free it self from within that sword I supposed. Honestly Julia this is why I told you when you brought those twins in a couple years back and I saw that sword in Ram hand you should have took my advised and contain it better to keep the damage to a minimal in case something like this was to happen I supposed.

Julia then look at Beatrice and said

Julia: Beatrice sama if I may at that time didn't you your self said that the sealed it self would take at least another thousand years before it release that sleeping monster inside.

Ram and Rem: He is not a monster he is our God and if he is trap why don't we help him

The twin said in unison

Beatrice then look at them and said

Beatrice: How stupid can you be we don't know what ancient creature that sleeping in that sword although I don't sense no bad intention shouldn't we be more careful about the situation I supposed.

Rem and Ram had nothing to say after all no one here except for the two of them can understand the absolute honored and joy to help free the entity that been asleep for thousand of years now freeing him self.

Beako then look at Julia and said

Beatrice: That was when I checked the sword for myself back then the sealed seem to be infinite like a dark giant ocean of water that a pebble drop in now something most have happen within the seal for it to awaken early now it feels like mountain hiding in pound it not much time left before whatever inside free it self.

Then they heard the voice of Puck

Puck: Guys something happening to the floating box

Everyone then look at the box and what they saw next shock them the box started crack open till it completely shattered and what reveal it self was the 135 CM katana in a black scabbard the sword then start to removed it self from the scabbard this shock everyone greatly except Natsumi because she doesn't know what happening and ask.

Natsumi: Guys what happening?

The person to answered was Beatrice as she said

Beatrice: You probably wont know this but no one was able to removed the sword from the scabbard I supposed my theory is that the scabbard is the heart of the seal or the sword hasn't found anyone worthy of its power yet I supposed.

Rem: Guys look the sword vibrating

Everyone look at the sword and what they now saw was a full black blade katana it then started to glow and the edge of the sharp blade turn YInMn same color of the roses in the alter. It started to shine bright and burst a gigantic blue light in the sky it was so bright that everyone one in the world could see the giant pillar of blue light in the east side of the world. The sky turn black and a raging storm happen all over the world mayhem was present every where all the great figures in the Re: Zero world sense this.

Crusch sama watch out and old man with white hair said to a certain green hair girl as he manage to pull her out of the way of the falling chandelier.

Crush: Thank you Wilhelm

Wilhelm: No problem Crush sama but what in the bloody hell is happening and what the hell is with that pillar of blue light.

Crusch: I don't know what the hell is up with that but It seems to be coming from the Mathers family estate well it looks like were going to pay lady Emilia a visit.

In the middle of nowhere on a private Island a giant castle could be seen a man with white hair yellow eyes and full white suite of clothes said to himself while sitting on a throne.

???: What the bloody hell is happening I was sleeping then this stupid blue light dares to disturb me how dare it. If I ever find the person shaking my castle and desolating my land I will kill him/her for violating my rights.

Inside Pleiades watchtower we can see a woman she had dark green eyes with three additional red dots around her pupils and long blackish brown hair which she wore tied together in what she referred to as a scorpion tail she then shouted


Inside an underground base we can see a young girl reading a gospel her eyes were as deep blue as the sea and were framed by long eyelashes. she had an inhuman beauty that was terrifying enough to make any person who set their eyes upon her incapable of stopping themselves from trembling she then said to herself.

???: What is this terrifying power that im feeling and why does it feel like it wants me to come to it.

she said all this in a soft and emotionless voice she then starts to ignore it and looks at her gospel as words start appear in crazy language only she seems to understand and it read as follows.

2 Months from now a white hair teenage boy sleep within a bed of flower go to him and your greatest desires and many more shall come true the platinum hair girl read this and then said with tears in her eyes.

???: Subarashii

Inside a huge mansion we can see a red hair swordsman combing the hair of a blond hair loli and then the whole place started to shake glasses and dishes brake window shattered and a huge bright blue light could be see lighting up the evening sky then Felt ask.


Reinhard: What in the great sword God is happening the ground is shaking and cracking apart the skies are black there tornadoes every where and that giant oppressive pillar of blue light is releasing an intimidating aura. Then as if Reinhard wanted answer he then heard a voice he knewed this voice this was the voice of Volcanica and not only he heard it everyone present in the world heard it.

High above Pleiades watchtower a giant blue dragon sense a powerful aura in his sleep and mumble something in his sleep but it wasn't he alone who heard it everyone present in the world heard his prophecy. He only gives a prophecy once things are urgent even if he is in deep sleep but some people knew it was him while other was confused like Natsumi he then said.

Volcanica: "The blade of the ancient lies at the East were the blue one once slumber in piece. The clock of faith act restless while the hands of destiny lies motionless. The world shriek in peril of the danger to come. All land he touches will bring chaos to many and prosperity to all be worn a devil and savior shall be reborn.

From there the sword then drop to the ground were Ram then catch it she started to look up and down and see if it was damage then she heard Natsumi voice.

Natsumi: What the bloody hell was that voice I can clearly tell that it wasn't from the sword or more like he was sending it to the mind of everyone in the form of prophecy and I also know it was a warning about that sword.

And then Beatrice answered

Beatrice: That the voice of the divine dragon Volcanica I supposed.

Natsumi: Wait that the voice of that legendary dragon I keep hearing stories about from both Puck and sister Julia then was he talking about the sword.

Julia: I'm afraid so in Volcanica prophecy he said the sword that lies in the east were the blue one once slumber in peace we are at the east and the sword is with us in the east side as well although I don't know what blue one refers to doe.

Beatrice: It sound like a description of the entity inside the sword I supposed.

After Beatrice said this they saw the sword flew out of Ram hands and back into the scabbard only this time the scabbard turn bright blue with dark marking that was some how words that form a sentence a cross the scabbard Beatrice then took the sword and try to translate it but she couldn't. She then notice something different the seal was was in an extremely weak state and she then said to the rest.

Beatrice: Well I got bad news and good news I supposed which one do you guys want to hear first I supposed.

Then Julia said let hear the good news first.

Beatrice: The good news is I still cant translate the writing on the scabbard I supposed

Natsumi: How the hell is that good news.

Beatrice: It is the only good news I can get out of the situation I supposed

Natsumi then look at the sword and was surprised that the language on the sword was English and she said uncionosly Here lies the great emperor of AzaRath. Everyone was shock that Natsumi could understand ancient language but before anyone can ask her how she said.

Natsumi: As apart of a big family I was teach almost every form of ancient language and this one is called English.

They all just nodded there head in approval and Rem sayed

Rem: Were is Kami sama

Then the loli answered

Beatrice: That the bad news I supposed the seal was weaken to such a sorry state that whatever the hell is in here will be free in 7 months give or take.

Ram and Rem scream with joy while Natsumi was also a little exited Emilia just talk more people might soon join the family soon while Julia and Puck had face of fear and then the loli speak.

Beatrice: Well Julia this so called emperor of AzaRath cause quite a commotion and a lot of people are heading this direction I supposed.

Julia could only sigh at the uproar the sword cause.


Mean While something amazing was happening within a stray galaxy on a random planet

some where so far that is not even in this galaxy we can see a young girl with blue skinned with long flowing sky blue-white hair and prominent blue eyes with glowing blue pupils. She has dark lines under her eyes and all around her body. She also has eight spider-like appendages coming from her back and what seems to be a crown on her head, with two blue horns protruding from the center: one from her forehead and another from the back of the head.

She was sleeping on her throne when she felt a familiarity with something she then open her eyes a said in surprise.

???: This is there no way I taught I was the last pure blooded Klaxosapian this power this bloodline it feel as strong as mine no stronger and more purer than mine but it still feel young if I compare it with mine he not even a 1% of my age I need to reach there quick before those VIRM wanabees try to kill my soon to became mate no darling.

And With that she then turn to the west side of the planet and get into a jumping position and a loud "BOOM!" was heard the propulsion was so great the entire planet was destroyed as she uses her full power and jump toward the direction of her soon to become darling. She was travelling into space at the speed of a 100,000 light years for second at this speed she will reach Re:zero world in a year and a half.

she then said.

???: Wait for me darling we shall repopulated or once and great fallen empire were we shall rule supreme and take vengeances on those VIRM wanabees.

Ok I know it too long but guys im trying my best to bring the stories tru color out we only have 3 more chapter before this volume is down well enjoy peice out

Carcosa_Senseicreators' thoughts