
The person who she hated the most (1)

"I am so glad to finally get the opportunity to greet you, Your Grace" the man said with a shifty grin.

"As am I, Earl Dalton."

Even though Dario's response was dry Lord Dalton clasped his hands together in an exaggerated display of surprise.

"Ah, so you recognize me? Even though you've only had your position for so short. I must say you are truly beffiting of your title!"

Amelia could see what the duke had meant by annoying. The earl was undoubtedly currying favor with lazy and painfully obvious flattery.

"And how could I forget young miss Ainsworth? You look so lovely that it is plain to see why His Grace fancies you. This must be the reason why your father hid you away for so long, no? Why, if had daughters this beautiful I certainly would as well."

She clenched her teeth. The way that he was eyeing her felt greasy, making the words he spoke feel uncomfortable.

"Thank you for you words, Earl. I am flattered."

The conversation continued on for much longer than she had wanted it to. Or rather than a conversation it was more like a monolouge coming from the earl, all centred around the duke's greatness and benevolence.

Amelia naively hoped that that the conversation would be the last of its kind for the night but she was wrong. Almost every noble that approached them said similar things; how smart and great of a Lord the duke was, how Amelia and him were such a beautiful couple, how refined they both looked...

"They're snakes, all of them" The duke murmured when they were finally left alone for a moment. "Talking like that even though a good deal of them has actively tried to counteract me."

"They're hypocrites" Amelia heard herself saying. She didn't mean to, but the blatant lies those people spat out irritated her so that she couldn't hold it in.

It was foul, the way they were all complementing her and the duke to their faces while glaring at them and whispering when they thought she wasn't aware.

She already knew what the nobles had been saying of Dario and the new king from listening to her father and his associates in the past, and it certainly wasn't anything similar to the kind of words those people had been spewing tonight. Of course such people wouldn't stay still when Dario did things such as funding for the street kids.

"Well, we've made our apperances so we don't have to stay much longer now." Dario said with a tired voice.

His words relieved her. She couldn't wait to go back to her chamber, the place where she felt the most comfortable and didn't have to put on an act. She felt happy even imagining it.

That is until she saw a familiar man who was coming towards them.

He was tall and somewhere in his late forties with brown hair that was streaked with grey. Although his face showed signs of aging it was clear from his features that he had used to be very handsome.

This person was marquis Radford, a revered man amongst nobles and a previous associate of her father. But most of all he was the person who Amelia hated more than anything.

'How can he be alive?' She thoght while hiding her shaking hands in the fabric of her dress. 'That person... Even though he lead the treason that father took part in, how can he be here?'

She had found out about both her father's and the marquis' involvement by accident when overhearing a conversation while passing her father's study one late night when she couldn't sleep. Of course, the marquis wasn't aware of this.

'If he was he would probably have gotten rid of me.'

When Radford came within speaking distance he smiled widely and spread out his arms into a welcoming gesture. If Amelia didn't already know him she would likely have precieved him as truly friendly.

"Duke Beaumont! I thought that I ought to give my greetings" he spoke gleefully.

"Marquis" the duke simply responded.

Although his answer was curt, Dario somehow didn't seem as irritated as before. This realization made Amelias chest tighten.

"I must say that it's a magnificant banquet you've arranged in such a short amount time. Everyone in the duchy have been looking forward to it, in fact I myself traveled all the way back from the capital ahead of scheduale just to attend."

"You're too kind Marquis. But I am flattered that someone such as yourself has taken the time to attend."

Amelia felt sick listening to their friendly sounding converastion. They had quickly moved on from shallow flattery to discussing actual policies and contrary to before the duke seemed to be engaged in what they were talking about.

While the two were speaking Amelia felt the marquis' glances on her. Familiar glances of the kind that made her skin crawl.

When their chat eventually died down Radford directed his full attention towards her, to her dismay.

"And of course I have been looking forward to greeting the young miss as well. Might I say that you are looking absolutely beautiful tonight. It's as if you've blossomed into a woman since last I saw you."

Greasy, he was greasy. His words as well as his eyes that traveled across her body were disgusting.

"Thank you, Marquis. It is good to see you again" she mustered herself to say.

"Indeed" he grinned. "Although if you do not mind, I would like to speak alone with Duke Beaumont about something. Unfortunertly it is a matter unsuitable for the ears of women."

"Of course, I do not mind."
