
The circus

It was the same as usual.

The bright sun burning against the sky just as it always had and always would! Yet something seemed off with the day. Jacob couldn't put his finger on it everytime he was about to figure it out it would dart away like a rabbit being chased by a fox.

Oh well he thought

'What ever it is i'm sure it's fine' he mused to himself.

It was final period in school yet he was too tired to work and so he didn't. This was an advanced strategy used by children were they would imagine literally anything else other than school so hard the time would fly by.

"Yo Jacob!"

He looked around, finding the voice in the crowd of bustling kids. He squinted until through the crowd he saw his friend Marlo walking towards him. They had been friends since they were little and had stuck with eachover ever since it was a friendship that was truly like no other.

"Did you hear about the new circus in town?"

'There was a circus?' Jacob thought to himself. Straining his memory he thought he remembered his mom telling him something about it but he wasn't sure exactly what.

"Yeah it's kind of exciting really it would be the first time one has visited town!"

The conversation continued as they walked home together and they eventually made plans to visit tomorrow in the afternoon. He entered his home, a two story house, located just down the street from the school.

'Hello dear' called his mother Jess. Now Jess wasn't what you would call the sharpest tool in the shed. She wasn't dumb just had the occasional ditzy moment not pertaining to her otherwise seemingly intelligent self. She had great gold locks of hear that stretched down into a small red ribbon. Jacob and his mother got on very well to the point that it was the subject of envy in other mother's who wished they were as intimate with their children as she was. He responded with a quick hello before going to bed he was unusually tired and just wanted a quick nap. He woke up with a start!

*Bang* *Bang*

He looked up and before him was the ugliest clown he had ever seen. His nose was a soggy sullen sad red if that's what the colour even was anymore and the face paint be wore seemingly only brought the worst of his features to light like his spotty skin and crow foot eyes. Inspecting his surroundings more closely he realised he was in a cage however he was not the only one in suprise. All around him where children in cages of varying sizes however rtheir was one continuous theme between them all and that was that they were far too small. Jacob was crouching/lying on the floor and yet still barely fit within the confines of the bars. What was going on, where was he? These thoughts flashed through his head however thinking wasn't going to find answers. He shut his eyes maybe it was a bad dream and when it all ended he would be back in school, opening his eyes again he was greeted not by the class room but by the clown staring into the cage with a gleeful smile covering his face.

"Why so down kiddo it's not like your dead... yet"

"W-where am I?" He couldn't control his fear. His voice shook as he looked at the walking wadrobe disaster infront of him.

"Silly! Your in the circus of course and not just watching either. To give the best performance yet your going to be performing yourself! Now isn't that fun?" With those final words he spun around and walked away to torment more children. This wasn't looking good. What was he going to do!?
