
133: Heir of the Underworld

The Furies. (Furries!?)

Just the three most powerful monsters of Greek Mythology!

Well, they weren't that powerful, they are just annoying for some, and one of those people is Amando. He sighed when he saw those three, his Father Klein talked about them with hate and venom dripping out of his mouth, quite literally sometimes, because one of them did something bad to Dad Zagreus that made Father Klein extremely angry and murdery. Alecto was her name, and she was hated by Father Klein to the bone!

Amando was certainly curious why Father Klein hated Alecto so much and he was never told specifically what happened, all that he was told was that she did something terrible to Dad Zag. Amando quickly took out his golden pencil, which was given by Klein to be his disguised weapon in the mortal world! All he needed to do was press the pen's button, the owner would then expand into a short spear that he could use to fight, the spear could also be used as a long ax. It was a very unique weapon if you can imagine it properly...

"Oh no," Groover said. "It's them! The Furies! All three of them! We're doomed..." Annabeth sighed deeply to calm down, Amando could almost see the numerous ideas crossing her mind as she thought of a way to leave this bus safely, but they kinds couldn't as the doors closed and the bus began to move. Percy took a sharp breath when they all saw the one with an orange hat dart her eyes towards him with a wicked grin that made her look even more demonic than she looked right now, but soon her wicked grin turned into confusion and then shock as she saw Amando.

Her sisters as well, following her lead, stopped when they saw Amando... Like an animal looking at its reflection, they didn't move and just stared at the square pupils of Amando, who just stared back at them, expressionless. Amanda was ready to take out his weapon when Alecto, the orange hat lady, bowed respectfully and stuttered: "Please forgive us, great Heir of the Underworld, for this sudden visit, but we believe your friend is the culprit of theft and we were sent to catch him by Lord Hades." Amando sighed, he remembers his Dad Zagreus saying that Grandpa Hades would sometimes just go over the limit to ensure someone is safe, and for that, he declared the Heir of the Underworld, and if anyone even dared to hurt him they would face the wrath of the Underworld. Well, not like they could handle Dad Zagreus's wrath... Even Father Klein hides when Dad Zag is angry.

"And you expect me to believe your words?" Amando said as he remembers how Dad Zagreus taught him how to speak formally, ge needed to learn that because apparently, he would be some sort of a leader in the future or something. "You come here to accuse my friend of theft and expect me to believe you without any sort of proof? Get out before I call Katastrophe." He did his best 'Angry Dad', not that it was hard to mimic the faces he would make because most of the time his face had a sweet smile that made Father Klein shiver in fear, but the tone of voice was what made him shiver in fear. Dad Zag gets chillingly calm when angry, while Father Klein... Thinking about it, he never saw Father Klein angry before, like, never.

"B-but-" Alecto swallowed the insults she was ready to throw at the child that looked at her with a similar expression that she had once seen in her life before... Coming from Zagreus, the annoyingly sweet smile that made her want to rip his face out accompanied by the calm, frigid voice that reminded her of her punishment. She did something bad against a God, she knew that because she suffered for a long time freezing in an endless winter that would give her a freezing bite. "Prince, we have our orders from Lord Hades to bring the boy over to the Underworld-" Before she could finish her sentence, Amando spoke: "We are already going to the Underworld, we just need to get some things first before going, now if you don't mind please leave us to our journey. I'm sure Lord Hades has enough time to wait for a bunch of children to come knocking on his door later."

He didn't know what that expression meant, he just heard Dad Zagreus saying that and he thought it sounded interesting enough to use it right now.

"V-very well, we will take our leave." Alecto bowed before her sisters did the same, leaving the bus. Well. the bus's driver suddenly just stopped the bus, no one other than the quartet seemed to notice the bus stop, the three ladies got out of the bus and vanished into the shadows.

"What was that!?" Percy shouted, completely shell shocked -heh, shell shocked, because he is the son of Poseidon, get it? Okay, I'll leave... "What do you mean?" Amando asked, pretending to not notice the glint in Annabeth's grey eyes as she looked at him. Groover was just as shocked at the interaction between Amando and the three sisters, and the name they called him: "Heir of the Underworld!?" Percy shouted, as to confirm what he heard coming from the lips of the trio of monsters, Amando blushed slightly, feeling an explosion of shame that he didn't know why he felt that. "W-well, my dad's kinda the prince of the Underworld and Hades is my grandpa, but you know that but he is kinda very, VERY protective, and he gave me that title to protect me from the creatures of the underworld, or creatures that are associated with the Underworld... Only a God can be the King of the Underworld, and I am not a God... Far from it, ~faaar~ from it."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Why? Why? Manti?

The feelings, The pain, that's all real-

Sorry. Couldn't resist the urge.
