
82: How do you know?

Klein held the sword he received from Zagreus, the kid gave him a gift as a thank you and he accepted it, but there was something wrong with this sword that Klein could see... You see, Klein can feel Energies and sometimes even see them, this sword has energy around and inside it, so it must have been created by the best blacksmith in this world! Klein could only think of Hephaestus but Persephone told him it wasn't, she has seen weapons forged by him and knew them very well... The weapon Zagreus gave him was made by the Cyclops, the same Cyclops that made Zeus's lightning bolt, Poseidon's trident, and Hades's helmet.

This sword was forged with the best materials as well as enchanted by the best enchanters of Greece, Klein only smiled when looking at the sword and began to analyze them... The energy inside the sword moved according to Klein's wishes and desires, it was a different energy than Divine Energy... Both energies were consuming and destroying each other, negating each other.

Just like Holy Energy has Unholy Energy as its counterpart and Cosmic Energy has Void Energy, Divine Energy has:

[Abilities Registered:

[All Mighty Powers: Anti-Divine Energy Manipulation (FFF)]

[Resistances: Anti-Divine Energy (F)]

Please have a nice day.]

'Anti-Divine Energy... A weapon to kill Gods?' Klein was surprised that he was able to find such a weapon, he must thank Zagreus later, after all, it was the kid who brought it for him as a gift. Klein chuckled and began to take the sword around, it was a normal sword, the enchantments in the blade were to make it sharper and more durable, nothing fancy like energy blasts and explosive slashes or something like that. Klein played around with the weapon and even placed it on the wall of his new home, he and Persephone worked together and made this wonderful house, and although it looked small on the outside, it was bigger on the inside.

Klein soon returned to his hobby, which was to create things. It's true that with his [Destruction] Divinity he was more prompt to destroy things than create them, which Klein wanted to change and maybe even get a [Creation] Divinity... Oh, talking about Divinities, Klein was able to copy Persephone's divine ability, but he did not receive her Divinity, which meant only one God with that divinity can exist at a time in the same Pantheon.

Klein will later speak to Chaos, but now he wants to focus on this new ability he received from the sword Zagreus gifted him, it can be his secret weapon if he ever has to fight the other Gods or someone with Divine Energy at their disposal.

-Scene Cut-

Zagreus sighed as he floated above the pool of blood at the bottom of the Halls of Hades once again, his face reflected his internal turmoil. He placed his hands in his bloodied face, he coughed a little and got up from the pool of blood with a slight thoughtful expression, when he passed by Hypnos who was surprisingly not sleeping, but just floating there, he ignored him. Hypnos, however, was shocked to see Zagreus like that 'He was, he was... THINKING!?' Hypnos shouted inside his head as he floated faster and faster until he entered Hades's office. "King Hades! King Hades!" Hypnos shouted, which surprised Hades as Hypnos was always calm and quiet, never shouting.

"I am here, boy, tell me what happened that you are so eager to tell me." Hades took his eyes off his papers and looked directly at Hypnos, who seemed to be a little distressed. "King Hades, it's Zagreus... He... He..." Hades frowned and sighed, holding his forehead with his index and middle finger as his eyes closed and he said: "What did that boy have done now? Stolen from my vaults again?" Hades, of course, knew Zagreus messed with his things, after all this was the Halls of Hades, his home, he had eyes and ears everywhere and would, of course, know about Zagreus messing with his vault. "King Hades, Zagreus was THINKING!" Hades raised an eyebrow, Nyx who heard it also raised an eyebrow at this statement.

"He has a mind of his own, he, of course, is capable of thinking," Nyx said with a smile, she knew that Hypnos and Thanatos grew up with Zagreus, they would see their brother do reckless things and even dumber things than both of them combined could do, so they grew up thinking Zagreus was stupid... And she must admit, Zagreus ain't the brightest star in the night sky, but he still does shine! "You know what I mean mother, he was THINKING! He was using his brain to do something! Since when he could do that!?" Hypnos exclaimed as he held his head in shock and panic, Nyx just chuckled at her son's dramatic acting while Hades frowned.

(A/N: Ain't the sharpest tool in the shed?)

"The boy is planning something..." Nyx heard Hades murmur under his breath, she just shook her head and continued to hear the voices of Eurydice and Orpheus as they sang, their voices could be heard through the Halls of Hades even though they were in Asphodel right now. Soon enough, Hades had some shades look after Zagreus and report back if he started to act differently... And he did. Zagreus would stare at his plate of food for minutes without eating it, he would stop and stare at mirrors, and he couldn't even focus on training when he would hit Skelly. Achilles even knew what was happening, he would just smile at Zagreus and congratulate him, and even Nyx congratulated Zagreus too.

Hades was curious as to why they were congratulating him, but soon enough he had his answer. Zagreus came to his office, this time not to have a verbal fight against his father and try to insult each other, but to ask a question that surprised Hades. Zagreus was wearing his attire and walked up to him: "Father..." It was then that Hades could tell that Zagreus was confused and indecisive, he didn't know what to do... "I want to ask you something." Hades placed his paper on the table and looked at Zagreus with his always serious face, he felt like this was their first father-som conversation in years now. "When you met mother... How did you know?" Hades was a little confused, he decided to wait till Zagreus finished his question.

"How do you know if you love someone?" Zagreus asked, looking up at Hades. Hades for the first time in years saw his son's nervous expression. He coughed to clear his throat and decided to answer this question seriously: "You look at their eyes." Hades's simple answer was all that Zagreus needed, he nodded to his father and left the office/throne room of Hades. But not before thanking his father.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

Now things are getting sweeter, slowly things will get even sweeter and even spicy. I hope you like peppers.
