
68: Aizawa Power Up

[Flashback Continues]

Klein curiously looked at the girl who seemed to pale before him, he asked himself if he was thaaaaat scary... If every single student he ever had heard this question, they would scream till their throats are destroyed: "YES! YOU ARE SCARY!" But sadly they can't hear him asking this question to himself. 'Should I talk to her? Or should I simply erase her memories of me? Maybe I can go and speak to her, ask her questions, and then erase her memory? Or I can simply analyze this new energy that I found...' While Klein was pondering, Aizawa called everyone inside the building so they could start their lesson, when everyone was inside, a purple mist spread on the bottom of the huge staircase down, wherein this gigantic building were several disaster sites.

Soon, from the purple smoke, several people walked out... They were villains, they were all grinning and smiling, but two people caught everyone's attention... One was a purple guy made of the same smoke, Klein just looked at him and could see that his quirk was a mixture of Space, Unholy, Shadow, Fire, and C-01 Energies, creating a new one that was the fusion of all of them... But it doesn't mean it was balanced energy, no, it was very unstable.

So how could the shadow guy use it to teleport? Because that's all he can do with it and if he could control this energy, he could do so much more... Klein decided to take a 'sample' of this energy with his Psionic energy, which resulted in a tiny piece of dark smoke to disappear. The second person Klein saw was a boy with hands on his body, ignoring the hand fetish he could tell the boy had three harmonized energies inside his body, not completely but still. Necrotic and Time energies were present and balanced by the C-01 Energy, which made both energies work in tandem with each other and make one thing: Decay. So this guy's quirk was to make everything be destroyed by a pulse of necro-time energy which both decayed and accelerated the decaying process.

This was a very interesting quirk indeed.

Klein decided to ignore the whole villainous presentation and focus a little bit on the energy samples he took from the guy, he sadly could not replicate it because it wasn't pure energy... It was tainted energy with several energies and very unstable for him to use, it is even more unstable than Kaos Energy!

Klein just watched as the students were teleported away, he could use this opportunity to see if some of them had enough potential to become a Fallen Angel! Aizawa was beating the shit out of every single villain, he didn't even need to use his quirk as his body was strong enough for him to dodge and attack for hours on end. While Klein was proudly watching Aizawa commit a massacre, he was also watching the other students beat the shit out of villains and even take some hits too, which was enough for him to know their potential. Some were smart, some were dumb but with enough strength to break through walls of metal, so everyone ran to where they thought the exit would be. It was at this moment, Klein saw the purple guy teleport a thing to fight against Aizawa.

This time Aizawa had to use his quirk to erase one of the creatures quirks, he would erase the shock absorption each time he hit the creature, and the regeneration quirk every time he backed away, little by little the creature was getting more and more tired as its quirks were neither absorbing the impact nor regenerating him from the damage. Then it was at that moment that Aizawa decided to take try something his sensei always told him to do: 'If your enemy has more than one quirk, just erase them both, at the same time. You have potential, Aizawa.' Aizawa has always fought enemies with only one quirk for almost all of his life, Klein doesn't count because he has more than two, so he could never erase them all. Klein was also immune to his quirk somehow...

The secret is, while Klein can use C-01 Energy, most of the quirks rely on C-01 to make them stable, what Aizawa does is unstabilize the C-01 energy in their bodies, effectively making their quirk unstable and unable to be used. Now, why can he only erase 1 quirk per time? He doesn't erase only one, it's because he doesn't know how to destabilize the energy in the whole, only destabilizing tiny fractions of it, but now? Now Aizawa went further and focused on trying to do what his teacher always told him to do, erase more than one quirk. He felt a huge pain in his head as the Nomu stopped regenerating, it took a toll on Aizawa, but he was able to completely erase both quirks at the same time. Klein slowly clapped his hands together, Aizawa only heard his sensei's voice saying: "Congratulations"

From that moment onward, Klein just watched as Aizawa beat the shit out of the thing called Nomu, which sincerely was a stupid name. The hand guy and the purple guy decided to join, but they were stopped by the purple-haired girl that shooting blue energy spheres and arrows, Klein secretly took one of those arrows that missed the target and absorbed the energy:

[Abilities Registered:

[Magical Powers: Mana Manipulation (S)]

Manipulates one of the most versatile energies, can be converted into any energy known to you by simply wishing it to.

[Resistances: Mana (C)]

Resistance to Mana-based abilities, which are considered Neutral energy attacks.

Please have a nice day.]

Mana? Interesting... Now he wants to ask this girl some questions.

-Scene Ends-

Where approaching this world's ending! I'm planning it to be a blast! Everyone will be shocked, after all a finger closed to this.
