
Chapter 23

After exiting the library, Nie Li took a stroll around the market to calm himself down. When he noticed the sky getting darker, Nie Li stealthy walked in a run down corner of commoners region of the city. He took many sharp turns into the alleyways and scan his surrounding with the A. I. Chip on multiple occasions.

In the end, after being sure that no one is following him. He jumped inside an old building through it's window, and walked inside to reach a secluded corner of the room. He walked further inside and stood straight before a discolored broken wooden floor and he began to masterfully lifted it up, making a small space between the wooden plank and the floor, which reveled a small hole underneath it, and afterwards he jumped inside it closing the wooden floor behind him.

After crawling a bit Inside the hole, there was a poorly lit room. The room was filled with many plants and a strong herbal scent was present in the room. There were few parchment with data written on them in English, an empty bathtub, and around the corner of the room stood a compact chair strapped inside a designed spherical construction filled with many inscriptions.

Nie Li walked inside as he sat down thinking, " I have already made preparation for diverting the attention of Sacred Family. I will need to exercise caution to make sure everything is followed through perfectly. I cannot leave any trails behind. Anyways Let's worry about them later."

This place is obviously Nie Li's hide out. Nie Li has asked Du Ze, who has a prestigious reputation among commoners to give him intensive information about all the isolated and abandoned houses in Commoners region.

Oddly enough, there is no lack of such places in the commoners area. There are many commoners who began to work for the Noble families or simply explore the surrounding wilderness to make a living but accidentally or after a dangerous incounter they got injured, crippled or even die. Afterwards they or their families have nothing to rely on to make a living, the Noble's would rather spend money on luxurious item and stupid things than to care about these people.

Unfortunately, even the war veterans who put there life on line to protect the city with their flesh and blood were tossed aside and all the glory were hogged by the Noble's, leaving them with nothing but injuries and bitterness.

Nie Li couldn't help but shook his head being aware of this. This is nothing new! This is simply how the humanity functions. He has no right or power to make a change. In fact, he probably doesn't even blame the Noble because when tables are turned, all are same. Did those commoners who actually were able to successfully establish themselves and reach greater heights ever turn around and extended a helping hand towards the crippled and orphans, No they didn't ! This is the world they live in, People only care about those problem from which they are suffering themselves, excluding that they just don't care.

These problems are like diseases one can't cure, so they just opt to ignore.

When Nie Li was searching for space, at first he wanted just a empty house to research and practice in silence, after checking many houses out. He decided to pick this place after A. I. Chip scanned a hollow space under one on the wooden floor.

He checked it out later and after being sure that it's a undiscovered area, he made some sort of a lab here.

Nie Li walked around the room and calmly straps himself to the Chair. After making sure all are correct he signals A. I. Chip.


[Beep! Authorization Granted! Initiating Mechanism! ]


There is nothing too fancy here, he just uses this space for Plants research and their composition study. The only thing of great importance here, is the unique 'Chair' he made.

This chair is named 'Dynamic Drill' by Nie Li. It's powered up by inputting Soul force through the inscription pattern. The design is fairly simple, it just twist and turns around the oval space randomly at a high speed.

The reason why he made this is simple: Enhancement of his vision and perception.

Inside the sphere on the chair, a Nie Li sits and powers up the inscriptions. The chair moves at a random axis and at 18 different direction there is different numbers shown while he spins. The moment one sees a number, A. I. Chip will randomly announce a color which he has to remember.

After one spin the speed will keep on increasing and he now has to recall a specific color assigned to each number as soon as his gaze falls on them.

The difficulty increases when there are same numbers written but with slight background difference like a red dot in left corner of the shown number.

Through this technique, Nie Li will constantly have to observe the numbers, distinguish it inside his mind and then recall the color ( without A. I. Chip assistance obviously ) and spell it all while spinning at high speed.

The first time he tried this he emptied all of his lunch and had a intense migraine and bloodshot eyes but he still continued, the reason he persevered through this is simply because of it's effectiveness.

This is one of the training devices he created, although the idea is not originally his. This is actually the work of a great martial arts enthusiast in his previous life, who crafted this to train the eyes for faster response speed. It was a failure due to the limitations of a human body and the torturous training one has to go through.

Nie Li tweaked it a little bit and accompanied by the special physique of cultivators and their supernatural ability one can take this to another level.

So far, Nie Li observational skill has increased by a huge margin, his reaction speed has also sky rocketed. His eyes has been trained to observe smallest of details and distinguish what most may not notice. During a fight and confrontation his greater reaction time will give him a collosal advantage too.

He called this enhance perceptional ocular ability as - Dynamic Vision.

You got an idea! Do share dude, Cause sharing is caring.

Writing this story is like a break or breather for me when I want a change in pace and stuff, so I can't really promise dedication and regular chapters but as long as both you and I have fun doing this, I will definitely try my best to follow through.

Keetarpcreators' thoughts