
Chapter 350

A/N: Want to read ahead (up to 40 chapters)? Go to my Patreоn and get your early access chapters


May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


Saturday morning began with the physical exercises, but there was no desire to go outside - the snow was not freezing, but it interfered, as well as the mud underfoot. Just before I started my training session, I asked Rowena to optimize my knowledge of transfiguration, but not to isolate the thought process itself. This was a maneuver we hadn't done yet, and it turned out to be quite an interesting experience. It was like having poorly controlled thoughts when you try not to think about anything - pictures, images, texts, and other information all seemed to go round and round in my head without my involvement, becoming more and more orderly little by little. Just before the training was over, I asked Rowena to try to transform a feature of the Architect's transfiguration abilities into a kind of spell. This could be a good development and a topic for an article, in addition to the works planned back in August on combining the transfiguration of the living and non-living at the same time.

A shower after a workout is an ordinary thing, without which it is difficult to imagine the beginning of my day. But before I went there, I asked Timmy, the house-elf I knew, to make me breakfast for the trip - I don't know how things would turn out, and I don't like hunger, too much discomfort from it.

In the room where the other guys were still asleep, I quickly checked to make sure I had everything in my usual bag with extension charm and made sure I was safe from any surprises with the equipment I had. I got dressed in my black three-piece suit, coat, and scarf, slung the bag over my shoulder, and left the room.

Hermione was already sitting on our couch in the common room, and when she saw me, she immediately got up, came over, and hugged me.

"Show them all," the girl said with a smile, not forgetting to give me a fleeting kiss on the lips, quickly pulling away.

"You make it sound like I'm going to a fight, not an exam."

"You never know," Hermione shrugged with a smile.

"Okay, don't get bored here."

I headed for the exit from the common room with a quick step, simultaneously applying complexes of concealing charms. Although it was still early in the morning, it was already possible to occasionally meet students and teachers hurrying about their business.

The cool winter morning air pleasantly chilled the face, but unfortunately, the snow had already begun to melt, leaving behind a little dirt. On the one hand, I like the gloomy English climate, but on the other hand, it clearly lacks a normal winter, so that the sea of snow creaking under my feet, and in the morning, the air would ring from the frost. Everything here is gloomy and slimy, and the snow doesn't stay on for long in winter.

Quickly reaching the "Three Broomsticks," where there were almost no customers, and Madame Rosmerta was clearly conjuring something in the kitchen, I took off my disguise. I moved towards the far table, where, according to tradition, we were listening to Lady Greengrass's lectures. This time she was there too, in a long black dress and an elegant black coat, but, according to the tradition of wizards, with a hood. As I approached, I clearly felt by magic that it was Delphine, and judging by her look, which read recognition and some confirmation of this very "recognition," Delphine is also not deprived of such a talent.

"Lady Greengrass," I nodded courteously and smiled. "The contents of your letter surprised me greatly."

"Mr. Knight," Delphine smiled and, fixing the thick braid of blond hair on her shoulder, stood up from the table. "I myself was caught off guard by the news from the Guild, and much had to be organized in a hurry. We don't have much time."

Without waiting for my reply, Delphine headed for the exit, and I followed her. Just outside the threshold of the establishment, Delphine held out her hand to me, holding a simple silver chain.

"Hold on tight."

As soon as I took the chain and nodded in readiness, Delphine gave the verbal command, "Portus," and we were whirled into spatial displacement, and judging by the speed, the portal was indeed intercontinental. After a while, we found ourselves on a spacious circular platform in the middle of a domed hall with frescoes on the ceiling. The lighting was not the best, only at human height, and it was problematic to see the frescoes. But the yellowish stone walls and columns going upward were clearly visible. We quickly walked toward the tall but narrow double-winged wooden doors with massive black metal brackets…

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