

While outside having not left my mothers arms all this time, I watched with fascination as my father lit the bonfire. The wood immeadiately caught fire and a massive fire was born. The flames were interesting to watch, it was as if I could almost see an image within them and watching the sparks jump around and touch the grass causing it to turn black from the heat was just as interesting.

"Hey Nik look what I found!!!" Aunt Rebekah yells as she exists the house. She has this weird device in her hands, something I've never seen before.

"Oh heavens." my father groans.

"Come on let's try." Aunt Rebekah says excitedly. "Hey, Nik, do you think you could cram us into a selfie?"

"Niklaus is the virtuous of cramming his siblings into confined spaces. "Uncle Elijah says jokingly.

Huh what does that mean? Was my father a bully? Did he like to cram aunt Rebekah and Elijah into things? Huh my family is weird.

"I'm so glad I traveled hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill brother, only to have him insult me to my face." My father rebuttals.

Huh uncle Elijah's sick I hope he's going to be okay, I actually like him.

"Come on just take the picture." Aunt Rebekah urges.

Suddenly I'm blinded by a white light. "Bahhh!!booooo!!!(Ahh I can't see.)"

"I wish it could always be like this." Aunt Rebekah says as she looks at the photo in my father's hands.

"If wishes were horses..." Uncle Elijah starts.

"Beggars would ride." My father completes uncle Elijah's words.

My father stares at the photo for a few seconds before he says something terrible. "You realize we'll have to burn it."

What no, I don't want to burn it. "Hyaahhhh!!!(Nooooo!!!)" I try to reach for the photo.

"Huh Alex what's wrong?" My mom notices me struggling in her arms.

"Bwahh!!! Bwahh!!!(Don't burn it)" I keep reaching for the photo.

"I... I think he doesn't want you to burn it." Aunt Rebekah translates for me.

"He's a baby, he doesn't know what he wants." My father denies aunt Rebekahs claim.

"Ghaaaahhaaa!!!(No she's right)" I continue stretching out and trying to reach the photo.

"Look Nik, he's trying to grab the photo." Aunt Rebekah points out.

"Maybe he just wants to come to me." My father refuses to believe my aunt.

"Well the easiest way to find out is to bring him closer to you and see if he'll grab the photo." My mother suggests.

"Fine." My father agrees.

So my mother walks closer to my father and as soon as I'm within reach I snatch the photo away from my father and put it into my shirt to hide it away. What I didn't realize is that what I did was a shock to my entire family, and when I stared up at them again, I noticed their shocked faces looking down at me.

"Do... do you understand us little one?" Uncle Elijah asks.

I look towards him and nod. "Yahhhhhhh!!!(Yes I do)"

"How... how is this possible?" My father asks in disbelief.

Uncle Elijah shakes his head and says. "I have no idea Niklaus."

What followed was being asked a multitude of questions and I would nod to agree and shake my head when I disagreed.

"Do you love mommy?" My mom asked.

I nodded my head in response which caused a massive smile to spread across my moms face and it earned me a cuddle with a kiss on my forehead.

"What about me, do you love your aunt Beks." Aunt Rebekah asks excitedly.

I nod my head again. "Yahhhh!!!(I dooooo!!!)."

This again earns me a kiss and cuddle from my aunt this time.

"He's already popular with the ladies, he gets it from me of course." My father answers in a cocky tone.

The others including myself rolls our eyes at my fathers arrogance.

They tried the same thing with my sister, but of course her simple mind wasn't able to comprehend anything they were saying.

"Hmmm... maybe it has something to do with his nature as a tribrid." My uncle speculates.

They've been trying to figure out why I am the way I am. I don't even know the answer and have just accepted this is the way it is.

"But then why doesn't Hope understand us?" My mother asks.

"I... I'm not sure." Uncle Elijah responds with uncertainty.

"It's best not to dwell on things we don't know, we'll find the answers we're looking eventually. I just want to enjoy whatever time I have left with my children.

Huh what does he mean? Are they going to leave again? I don't want them to leave again. I clutch onto my mothers shirt and bury my head in her chest.

"Huh what's wrong Alex?" My mother asks me confused.

"Mmmma....ma n...no." I somehow manage to string a coherent sentence together.

"Did he just?" My mother asks in shock.

"I think he did." My uncle Elijah confirms.

"Can you say it again Alex?" My mother asks looking down at me expectedly.

Okay I can do this, no pressure, remember the movements your mouth made. "Mmm... ma...ma." I manage to say it causing squeals of glee to erupt from my mom and aunt.

My father suddenly gets closer and asks." Can you say Da..da." He looks at me expectantly.

I scrunch my face up as if the idea of saying dada repulsed me. "No." I look away from him.

"Wh...." I hear my father utter.

Suddenly my entire family breaks out into laughter and the laughter is so infectious that I can't help but giggle myself.

"Why you little." My father grabs me throws me into the air.

"Ahhheheheh!!!" I giggle as he throws me again.

The rest of the night passed in a gleeful bliss spending the night with my family.

I wished the night would never end, but sadly wishes rarely come true.
