
First Guild Members in Uzira

As she connected with the creatures, Abby felt their hostile feelings, an experience similar to that of decades ago, when she had done similar experiments for the first time. But the creatures now were much stronger than then.

Abby had to concentrate and absorb both Minos' help and Ruth's support to stand her ground against several of these creatures simultaneously.

'Luckily Minos is putting pressure on them.' She thought as she acted little by little against parts of them, leaving the rest under the effects of Minos' abilities.

Minos used his different abilities to suppress the creatures. Two of them became immobile under the illusion that their existence had been thrown away. Even though they had no mental strength in those states, their bodies acted on impulses. And at that moment, their impulses were receiving confusing information from their surroundings, paralyzing them.
