
Arrival of the Aliens

A few more days passed, and the forces of the Spiritual World were already fully focused on the North Sea, with all those who had promised to join the first battle of the war already in that maritime area.

The whole world lived in anticipation of the start of the war, with those who feared their own end contemplating the possibility of surrender if the worst came to pass.

Those who still believed in surrender were just as nervous as those who believed the world had to fight the aliens with everything it had until the last hope. For those who wanted to surrender, the forces of this world moving in to fight would only make their situation more difficult later on.

So, of course, everyone who thought about surrendering nervously watched the news in their respective regions, waiting for the sign of the changing times.

As soon as the news of the aliens coming to the world was announced, it would be time for each side to move!
