
Confirming the Agreement with the Spiritual Church

Two more weeks passed...

As Albano's first legal migrants began living in Red Valley, the spiritual judge requested by Margot arrived in Dry City.

Thus, as soon as she received the contact from that person to pick him up outside the defensive dome of Dry City, Gloria's mother soon took him to the royal palace of Minos.

She was already starting to get nervous about staying in this region for so long, so she wanted to speed up the procedures necessary for this deal to be finalized as soon as possible.

Not only that, she did not want to give even an extra hour for Minos to try to reach the 8th stage. Then, in the blink of an eye, as she smiled, satisfied, Margot arrived at the place where her son-in-law was waiting for her.


"Brat Minos, this is your last alternative to turn back," Margot said with an exuberant smile on her face. "You won't be able to do that nonsense, so why don't you come to the Empire with me at once?"
