
The Tragic End of Del

Just as Del thought he had gotten the upper hand to escape that place, he suddenly felt his body stop midway, like he was being held by something.

This was tremendously slowing him down, to the point where he could barely move.

And while Del felt a great weight in his body, trying to move with all his strength, the other outlaws who were in that place, along with some soldiers of Minos, they all felt their bodies stopping, in a measure far superior to what Del felt.

They could clearly see the fights taking place a few meters from where they stood as if nothing unusual was happening in those places.

And that was terrifying. Being able to see your surroundings but not being able to move was a horrible thing to feel, especially for people who were being chased, right now!

'Shit, why can't I move all of a sudden?' This question ran through the minds of several of these individuals, who didn't know Minos' technique.
