
Chapter nineteen

She may have slept with the intention that her dreams would give her the solution to confront her parents but in dreams only the problems that are in the subconscious are solved and; with what happened this morning with Alexis, in short, hedonism is stronger in her than the fear that her father produces in her.

Perhaps curiosity is the means for hedonism to develop. Maybe something similar happened with the unicorns, life is all a mystery.

On the other hand, before the wind came to an agreement with the tree to take the false light along with what it caught (the cat with the poisoned soul), the unicorn seeing his horn lying on the grass he now began to feel, cold under his hooves. It was a great contrast for him to have his fury and despair surrounded by such loveliness, it gave him a certain shame that made him even more bitter.

His world was the sky; infinite and always surrounded by his only friendship, the wind; for the other unicorns saw him as an eminence and friendship with the spy unicorn seemed to them something inappropriate.

The sky changed color every day, that had always generated so many questions. As for the earth, he never turned to look at it because he had promised himself to scrutinize everything it had to offer, when he had done what was necessary to make it look like the sky.

All those dreams had been destroyed forever. With all the force of his anger, he takes the horn and throws it with a request to the wind:

"Let his wrath fall on the cat, let it hurt so much, let it feel as I do."

The wind acceded to the request of his eternal friend.

Close by was the thin white line that was held captive by The Eye, you know, I mean the frayed strand of a tree that now has the shape of an eye (three concentric circles).

The eye contained a false light that sought to invade the thin white line so that they were one. The thin line could see what reflected the false light and what did not. The line was not to let the beautiful meadows or the orange sky, just for that moment (remember, the sky changes color), fool it with their preciousness; rather, it was to be the one to draw the false light into a certain reality.

They say that opportunity comes when you least expect it and when you are most prepared, and that's what happened.

Do you remember that the wind had spread the white dust around the world?

I'm sure you do and then, returning to the present within the story, I will tell you that the white dust on the ground is glimpsed, if you see it as the thin white line, by force and through the white light. Consequently, to your field of vision, that white dust on the ground will show up as sparkling sparks like stars on the green grass. You might think that the lawn could become like the daytime sky at night. And I say daytime because unicorns need more light than stars can provide.

But going back to the central fact, the thin white line sensed that something would come to get it out of The Eye, but that it had to resist the fear that it really liked it, the depth of the color or the defined shapes and the exotic of everything illuminated the light. This one that only wanted the fine white line for itself... maybe here lies the root of toxic loves.

The hunch of the fine white line was true. The horn of the unicorn passed by and; although it is separated from the head of the unicorn, it has a life of its own and is fading; therefore, anything that helps him to revive will draw him to himself. In doing so, the horn could guarantee its survival, at least in another form of existence.

It may seem that the fine white line is resigning itself to always being a prisoner of someone or something else like the horn; but the truth is that for you to get something out of a tree you have to reach an agreement that will be fulfilled until the end of time.

The trees, I think I already mentioned, represent balance and a pact of peace, so both the line and the horn enter into a relationship of Mutualism.

Although The Eye with its false light resisted, the magnetic power of the horn was stronger and, irreversibly, attracted the fine white line. However, this was not the only one because the false light also surrendered and gave in to the seduction of the horn. Or perhaps instead of getting the thin line to stare at its deceptive light, it only made it more aware of its own falsity. It would never accept that; so wherever the false light goes, it will follow.

This was undoubtedly a betrayal for The Eye, who had harbored the false light for so many years. He would find someone else but he (The Eye) would make sure to leave no knot untied... up to his neck he was going to suffocate this world.

"After all: wasn't he part of the balance of this treacherous world, so he could provoke a "first quake"?

So the unicorns want change

I have come for whom they cried evil spawns".

No one knows what he did; but he created you with a formula that I doubt we will ever find out.

After the horn took the two prisoners, the wind let the tree make them its root. Well, I've told you that before.

What happened to the unicorn?

After it spent in futile revenge the false light it had left inside to catch the cat, well... that's another universal mystery.

But let's get to what I think you've been waiting for:

What about Adam?

Assuming that a good time has already passed since the events I told you about and those I left as secrets, water already existed and both trees and all kinds of life on Earth needed it, until now, the horn and its two prisoners were a single root that multiplied in all living plants. Then, all the beings that already existed thousands of years ago knew that after many years a new species was formed, very different from what had been seen before. But the truth is that, at least near the tree where the horn was playing the role of root, nothing new had appeared, so it was thought that all that about the new species was a product of the weariness of certain sensationalist animals.

One day the new species appeared, it came crawling through the grass in search of something it did not know what it was. It was simply a vital necessity for survival, or so thought that small human, since he had seen how his own died every week. They said there was something missing but they didn't know what. The small boy's mission was to find out what.

He was about to pass away when he reached the foot of the tree and felt something that immediately attracted him: moisture.

The boy realized that the trees contained something transparent and refreshing in the soil, where the roots absorbed all the "good stuff" from the earth where they had been buried.

He dug and found trickles of water everywhere. Without thinking he drank as much as he could until he was harassed. He had found what, but he couldn't take it to his family.

That would be the least of his problems; for the water he drank was from the most special tree he could find.


At this point, that question is not even asked.

That question is not even asked because Luz is seconds away from waking up. Time in dreams interrupts the true facts within human dreams. This is due to the susceptibility of the human mind, which does not support the real storms and dilutes them in colors of deep darkness, in the case of Luz, literary.

If I get out of this girl's head alive; since the fact that I can talk to someone as a friend and not as a father, pleases me a lot, I will be able to tell you the facts in detail and correct the doubts that I know have remained.

But, for now, I will have to finish the story with the following lines:

When the human drank from the subway water; coming from the root that guarded the horn, the deformed light and the spy cat, a strange sensation on the tip of his tongue invades him like a plague of strange ecstasy. Something was stirring in his head, a sensation similar to, as if the neurons were swept away by a sweeping wind announcing a radical change.

The human presses his fingernail hard against his palm and his palm against the damp earth as if he knew it would be the last time he would be thirsty for lack of that something called water.... he would be thirsty for love.

The human closed his eyes and saw the shape of the wind, the cradle of time, where time itself was seen as a demolishing gaze, but what is it that demolished that gaze that thirsty human glimpsed?

Perhaps it demolished the immortality of the soul, perhaps it put it to sleep to wake it up for a few seconds and then put it to sleep again and so on, until something makes the soul want to stay for eternity here .... can only be something beautiful and real.

However, getting back to the hard facts, after a week of the human drinking the water; something inside his neck brought him to a state of disturbing and, for some, bone-deep sinful paroxysm, which finally generated what you now call the Adam's apple...it is the horn of the unicorn with all that it caught along the way.

Haven't you heard it said that the meeting of two lovers' eyes can paralyze time around them?

Perhaps it is because the immortality of their souls has awakened, for a few seconds, just to drink a little bit of love".

And that's it, this story is over.
