
Prepare Ourselves

Ever since he found out about Wang Li, Ying Yue felt as though he was in a mind-numbing haze. Closing his eyes only brought the handsome face of his lover with those precious smiles. Meditating only clearly showed in his mind of the interactions with the Ghost King. Speaking with the villagers and assisting in the missions were only small distractions from the hole in his heart.

'Ten more days and I will learn everything from you, Wang Li,' he closed his eyes and forced himself not to cry again. His body was exhausted but his mind… there are too much going on in there, thoughts moving so fast.

"We are needed," his eldest brother opened his door and stared at him for a moment. Mouth opening before closing, the red head crossed his arms.

"I am ready brother," he offered a smile and got off the floor to head out of the door. His brother grabbed his arm and he took a deep breath. He knew the redhead was worried, they all were, but he would be okay. His master had been in meditation longer and his brunette brother worried the most. His eldest brother, he let out a smile, was the strength of the family.

"Thank you, brother. Let us protect the innocents," he held onto his brother's arm for a moment before pulling away. Greeting the others who were waiting, he smiled and nodded.

It was going to be another day where they protected the innocents from evil, demons, and ghosts. He was happy when the villagers and sometimes the upper class sighed in relief because they were able to stop anymore harm. Ying Yue could feel a light shined within himself when he saw the smiles on their faces, the thanks they gave, and the joy of happiness from the victims.

"Thank you, Heavens Chosen," the farmer bowed, "Please, is there anything you need? You may take anything I own as gratitude."

"Oh, the thought of you safe is all I need," the blonde smiled and the farmer continued to thank them as they were heading back under the dark sky. His golden eyes looked to the sky to see the sun was slowly rising, bringing a sliver of light over the mountains. Smiling, he turned and caught a shadow on the roof. Turning to it, the shadow moved quickly and Ying Yue could feel the darkness that lingered. Eyes widening, he took a sharp breath.

'That shadow… whoever he was… it was him!' He ran forward toward where the shadow disappeared. He could hear his brothers and master calling out to him.

"There was a shadow! The strong odor of evil, it was him this whole time!" He shouted eyeing the sliver of red ribbon.

They jumped on the roofs and tried to follow the shadow, but it was still dark, hiding the enemy within. Taking out a blank talisman, he bit his thumb and wrote on it. A bright glow surrounded the paper, illuminating the area. His golden eyes cautiously looked around as he continued moving forward. Suddenly, he saw something shooting toward him, sharp as a blade. The eldest brother blocked the attack and went forward to continue the fight against the shadowed blob.

Ying Yue watched the blob weaved and turned unnaturally, while his brother tried to land a hit. Looking over at Han Mo, he nodded and they joined the eldest in the fight. The brunette tossed a few talismans and whispered an incantation, but the shadow continued to attack with no stop. Avoiding, dodging, attacking, this kept going until all three were able to bind the shadow.

'Finally!' Ying Yue let out a breath and turned to his master, but his golden eyes widened, 'No…'

"You know, these students of yours are quite stupid," the man with red eyes grinned holding onto the green-haired man under his jaw from behind.

"Master!" They shouted and watched as the elder narrowed his eyes at them, stopping their advancement.

"Ye Wu," the elder said calmly, "It had been a long time."

"Pleasantries? Cute," the red eyed demon grinned and leaned pressing his lips to the back of their master's ear, "Those demons and ghosts are just the start, Pang Xi, do you think your little warriors will win?"

Ye Wu can feel his prey swallow as the Adam's apple bobbed. Letting out a deep laugh, he moved his hand down to grasp the long neck.

"What do you want?" The green-haired man whispered harshly with a scowl on those lips.

"Is it not obvious?" The demon laughed tightening his hold, "For my clan to live amongst the living once more, and…" he looked at the blonde who held a troubled face. Leaning to whisper, Ye Wu finished his sentence, "for his death."

Golden eyes widened and Pang Xi twisted out of the demon's hold, but the red eyed monster laughed shaking his index finger.

"Uh huh, that blob holds poison, Ah Xi, you don't want your children to die, do you?"

"You wish for the death of Heavens chosen, he will not affect your wish, but another would," he stared at the demon to see Ye Wu hummed interested.

"Who might that be?"

"Heaven chose another far more powerful, one who reigns over you."

"Interesting," the demon sounded amused and he narrowed his golden eyes, "So you know. Did the bastard Jade Emperor finally tell you? Here I thought he was going to hide the truth from you and let you be the slave that you are."

"Ye Wu!" Pang Xi shouted with a scowl, "How did you know? He would not have-"

"So foolish," the demon sighed with a smile, "Sweet little Pang Xi, do you feel like a failure?"

His fingers itched to wrap around the throat of the monster and he ground his teeth. Knuckles white from fisting his hands too tight, he narrowed his eyes at the demon.

"Let them go," he stated and the demon tilted his head with a sly smirk.

"A favor for a favor, dear."

"What do you want?"

The demon thought about it and looked at him from his head to his toe. His skin prickled up and he bit his tongue from shouting at Ye Wu. The man grinned, as if knowing his thoughts.

"Plea to me and I will let your precious children go."

The blood on his face drained and he could hear his students struggling to remove themselves, as they shouted at him to not do as the demon asked. Shutting his eyes, Pang Xi fell to his knees. His jaws were clenched tightly and he forced his tensed body to bow. Forehead pressed to the floor before the demon, he flushed with anger.

"Please, Ye Wu, let them go."

He heard the demon laughed loudly and felt fingers pulling his hair, tugging it hard. Head snapping back, he couldn't growl because his lips were covered with another. Eyes widened so wide they could fall off, Pang Xi gathered his energy into his palm and was about to push the demon off him, but the man already pulled away grinning.

"Ye Wu! You disgusting-"

"It is done," the red eye demon licked his lips and left into the shadows. Growling, he attempted to run after the monster, but the sound of groans from behind him caught his attention. Turning to see his students, they were having trouble standing. Quickly touching their foreheads to rid the haze, each of the brothers blinked in the clarity.

"Who was that demon?" The brunette rubbed his temples, "He's pretty strong, the strongest we've faced so far."

"No, Han Mo," he shook his green hair and looked at the direction of where the monster disappeared with a frown, "He is by far the strongest enemy we will ever face."

"Why did he just leave? Why did he not hurt any of us?" Ying Yue questioned quietly.

"Who knows what goes on in that monster's head!" He shouted and tapped his forehead with his fan, "My apologies. He likes playing games. We must prepare ourselves."

"What preparation are we preparing for, master?" The oldest of the brothers questioned and he sighed.

"For everything."

So our demon is a sneaky one stealing a kiss for the master! Ying Yue still seems ready to just see Wang Li anyways... stubborn or defiant...? *enjoy an extra chapter!*

Big Thanks to:

Voters- Tangluha_Juan, cadisle, pink_cupcakes, and Anime_Buds <3<3

Commenters- Kimwoosung and wangxian_2486 <3

Love you all!

Love, Michelle

MichelleLeeeecreators' thoughts