
Chapter 1680. Passing the Banner

"You, old fool! Why did you sacrifice yourself? You should've just let the war table get destroyed!" Kima scolded. She left the war table and was holding Kabaka in her arms. Blood was dripping from Kabaka's body parts that had been torn off by the black drill, giving Kabaka a Bleed status effect on top of the DOT. Kima took off her cloak and wrapped it around the wound to try to stop the bleeding.

"My… My body just moved by itself…," Kabaka said weakly. "We still need that war table… This war is not yet over. After winning here, we still have to move into Liguritudum. We have to see this war to the end. Our army has to return to Verremor bringing triumph, glory, and honor!"

"… You will be remembered as the hero with the courage to stand up to the eldritch beholder," Kima said with a resolute face. The orcs were a warring race. They dealt with death often. They didn't let grief paralyze them.
