
Chapter 1212. Hydrurond Second Army’s Defeat

After successfully fleeing, Jack and Arthur went an extra distance before finding another resting place. They didn't rest at the same time but took turns instead. When it was Jack's turn to rest, he lent his God-eye monocle to Arthur. He taught Arthur about the radar and what the dots represent. Arthur kept watch by looking at the radar while Jack slept.

The enemies didn't attack again that night.

The next morning, the two returned to their activities of hunting down stray enemies and helping allies who fought outside the main battlefield. Yet, there was almost no target for them. They noticed then that most of the enemies were focusing on the main battlefield.

Jack and Arthur watched the battle from afar.

The fighting was extremely fierce. Both Liguritudum and Aurebor were giving their all with seemingly no reservation about casualties. They sandwiched Hydrurond's force from two opposite sides.
