
Let’s fight !

Liam was the first one to recover from this shocking news, he told her: "It doesn't sound completely crazy Cel, actually, maybe a little bit, but this is something really unexpected, so give us some time to adapt."

Alec asked her curiously: "Can you really feel all the energy reserves of everyone?"

Celia nodded and said to him: "Actually I can even tell you that with my current speed I would need exactly twenty seven hours to join Anaya who is in that direction."

Celia pointed in a direction behind her and a rainbow-colored vortex opened immediately.

Celia was so amazed that she couldn't help but exclaim: "Or maybe I would need just few seconds to join her. Damn, what is this? I swear I didn't do it on purpose."

Anaya then appeared after stepping through the vortex and said teasingly to her wife: "My love, I didn't know that you missed me so much."

Celia said without even thinking twice: "Of course I missed you my baby wife."
