
C: To Sleep

Rafaela closed her eyes firmly, and attempted to sleep with far more determination than was useful in achieving the goal.

The copy was nearly finished, and she would be leaving within 12 hours. Her eyes wanted to pop open, but she held them closed. She tried to remember the last time she had struggled to fall asleep.

The question was more distracting than she had expected. How long ago had it been, she wondered. Her normal had become something where sleep was snatched in pieces that either never felt quite long enough, or were spaced a bit too far apart.

When was the last time Brennant had slept, was the next question that popped into her mind. The one time she'd dared to ask him, he'd informed her that he'd sleep when he was dead. Since he had resembled a corpse more and more as each day passed, she had been rather afraid that his answer had been literal.
