
Demon Lillies

Ouranos was erratically tapping his finger against the armrest of his throne as he looked out over his estate, everything he worked so hard for, every second of pain and tears to make the perfect city was being torn down by a mere child which was something Ouranos couldn't allow… He has killed gods, mortals and even cursed some mortals to immortality robbing them of their soul's energy to reach the top, he has committed atrocities in the shape of rituals to further his strength even slightly… but in the end it was all useless in the face of raw power, Ouranos' now nearly bald head trembled in rage as the memory resurfaced and he swore

"On my divinity… You shall not live long enough to make an impact…" a small golden chain manifested from nowhere as it sank into his body wrapping itself around his Divine Root and his sliver of a soul… "FELS!… Bring me the…"


Freya was swirling a glass of wine while waiting for the other gods/goddesses to arrive so she could make an entrance, despite trying to focus on other important matters her thoughts kept trailing towards Lumas… his strength was… no is unnatural and Susan, Freya couldn't help but quiver as that thought passed through her mind, but yet a smile came to her face thanks to a certain paranoid god and his little messenger Freya may have found a way to get what she wants, as always

Lifting a burlap sack from her bag the crisp smell of lilies filled the surroundings causing Freya's smile to widen "Mhmm, My little Succubus~"


Lumas finished putting on his gear deciding to separate the short cloak and hood from the set of armor, he snuck a glance at Ais from the corner of his eyes to find her fastening the last few straps of her armor as she caught his gaze in the mirror a smile rose to her face revealing a toothy grin as she spoke

"You know… Your a pervert" Lumas choked as he stumbled forward, he felt a tinge of pain in his chest as Ais spoke again "Just kidding~" Lumas looked up to find Ais crouching down to his slouched figure, as their eyes meet she leaned forward and closed her eyes

Before Lumas could process what was happening he felt an addictive warm yet slightly wet softness collide with his lips before a dull thud paired with a light pain spread from his forehead, Lumas watched as Ais' eyes opened and a soft frown marred her face as she rubbed her head filling her cheeks with air as she pouted

"You okay?" Lumas got up and went over to Ais helping her to her feet, with a smile Ais replied "Yes, Darling~" 'Darling' was dragged out until a knock resounded on the door

"Come on lovebirds, we're going to be late if you don't hurry"

Ais twirled around on her heel causing her clothes to flutter about as her hair trailed behind, as she twirled she sheathed her sword before opening the door all in one fluid movement flashing him a wide smile as she left the room, Lumas stood stunned from her beauty? From the pure elegance? Or from the slight tremble in his chest he felt at her showcase… we will never know

After meeting with the others included in Loki's frontline aside from Bete who was currently getting a large backpack situated on his back with the help of a rather promiscuous(?) Cat-kin who took advantage of Bete during the time she was helping him

Lumas chuckled as Bete squirmed under her touch as she repeatedly groped various parts of his body, Tione and Tiona were off to the side whispering among themselves while Ais tried to hide herself behind Tione while listening attentively, Lumas could see her ever so slightly nodding along with the whispers

As Lumas looked around a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, "You ready to stand on the frontlines?" Even without the smell of alcohol Lumas could recognize who spoke. Turning around to meet the rather joyous dwarf Lumas nodded as he spoke "Yeah, How do these usually work?"

The dwarf hummed as he took a swing from a water skin labeled 'Whiskey Skin' "Well the front liners usually get to rest until we begin moving through the lower floors, So don't you worry Finn only plans to reach the 18th floor today so you can just hang back with ya lass"

Taking a slightly heavier swig from a water skin labeled 'Lucky Skin' Gareth released a heavy content sigh as a ruddy color took to his face as he slurred "Susan always has the best stuff.." with a goofy smile he half stumbled/walked away

Lumas shook his head with a silent chuckle as he sat down and waited for Finn to arrive 'Late my ass'

Nearly half an hour later Finn arrived and the Loki Familia's Expedition Squadron (A/N: I have no idea…) began moving through the city heading towards the Dungeon, as they neared the Tower of Babel Susan's nose began to run as she started to feel sick Sebas sniffed around before frowning muttering under his breath "Crushed Demon Lilies…" Susan took a vial from her Item Box and waved it under her nose causing her once rapidly paling skin to regain its color

"My lord, It seems someone is targeting us…" Lumas frowned at Susan's words, after thinking for a moment Lumas spoke "Sebas keep an eye out for anyone attempting to get close to Susan, Susan stick with Ais… I'll push ahead, this is my chance to quickly rise up the ranks I can't let someone's schemes slow me down"

Time passed and they entered the dungeon, It seemed different from before, the passages widened seemingly inviting the expedition party within. The second-rank adventurers took the led while the supporters helped thin the monsters… However there was a sight to behold infront of them, in the middle of the horde of Goblins, Kobalds, and Dungeon Lizards was Lumas as he culled the monsters ahead of him with only his body letting a few slip by as he rotated around the horde of monsters leading them in circles

Things went rather smoothly as they cleared the dungeon floors moving from one to the next, as they reached the 15th floor they were met with a wave of monsters the amount was eye boggling, Finn yelled out as the walls began to crack "MONSTER PARTY!" the ranks began to dissolve as the supporters rushed to the middle of the group while the first and second rank adventurers formed an encirclement, however Lumas stood separately ahead of all the others before Finn could call Lumas to retreat everyone heard Sebas yell "Mages put up a barrier, Tanks form a shield wall behind the barriers separating Lumas from the group"

Everyone rushed to follow orders. Ais was about to rush out when Susan stopped her, whispering in her ear "Don't, He's only getting serious~" reluctantly Ais stopped her steps as she watched Lumas with a pained expression… she wanted to be out there fucking shit up with Lumas, if Lumas show the pout on Ais' face he might just die from a heart attack… but that's unimportant, or is it?

Like candles being lit small flames began to light up around Lumas and the dungeon shook causing some to lose their footing as they watched the monsters pile on Lumas, the distinct sound of a sword leaving its sheath dwarfed the various sounds of the dungeon

"...Return to Null" Lumas sounded like an executioner at the chopping block as he slowly drew a horizontal arc with his sword, the pressure that descended as unimaginable it felt like a slight breeze to the adventurers but if they were on the other end of such a pressure even their souls would crack under the burden during the 'Test of Will' the dark green brackish flames that flowed from the tip of the blade were ever changing, Finn swore he heard the distinct sound of a blacksmith working metal with every change his thumb had long gone numb from the pain and his instincts were screaming at him to turn tail and run but he was captivated by the scene in front of him

"Kinda reminds me of home" Susan got some weird looks when she spoke however she just ignored them as she intensely watched her master's slaughter forcibly stiffening her trembling legs while attempting to cool herself she watched as Lumas spun around and released another everchanging wave of flames, some began to worry that a Juggernaut would show with all the damage others were simply entranced at the spectacle

The unending monster party charged forward ignorant to their quickly approaching death, ignoring their brethren as they relentlessly charged toward Lumas seemingly forgetting about the other 800 or so people in the caverns, it seemed that all was fine until a golden blonde women wearing only tattered robes that revealed more skin then it hid and a golden scale like collar appeared in front of Lumas sending him flying with a wave of her hand

Lumas eyes went wide as the women appeared. A single memory appeared in his mind… one he 'borrowed' from Ouranos… Enyo
