
Zhenyi takes action

These days Zhenyi had been surrounded by crises. A new problem arrived every day and it was no different today when Fan Bingbing opened the door to Zhenyi's office and said " We have a problem." 

"Again?" Zhenyi asked in annoyance. It was getting too much for her now. 

Fan Bingbing nodded. 

"What happened now?" Zhenyi asked her rubbing her face in frustration. Last day, it was the murder, the lawsuit, and the deal with Air China. 

"A cement factory under XC is seized by the police. Along with the factory, fifty trucks are confiscated by the police for they were caught carrying illegal matters. The cement bags were carrying cocaine and heroin instead," Fan Bingbing immediately reported on the recent incident. 

Du Zheng very well knew how much Zhenyi despised dealing with the police. So, he started creating problems for Zhenyi which involved the police. 
