
Qin family

Jim Butcher once said ' when everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching -- they are your family .' there are many instances where you can see that family is not always blood. Your sorrow, happiness, misery, agony --they share with you. They accept you for who you are; moral, immoral, good, bad, right, wrong etcetera etcetera do not matter to them.

Qin family and Xin family were knitted together despite the fact that there was no blood relation between them, but they stick together in joy and sorrows. When Zhenyi's mother died, Ming Jia stepped forward and did everything in her power to provide motherly love to Zhenyi. And that was the reason she was the most respected woman in Zhenyi's life.

"Oh My God! Even this dress is not good enough for the reception." Ming Jia laid out dresses after dresses out of her wardrobe. "There is no way I am going to wear these out-of-trend dresses." She spoke with a solemn tone. She raided her wardrobe again to take out more clothes. Her sandals, bags, and whatnot were scattered on the floor. She made an aggrieved face as she sat on the floor almost on the verge of crying.

"Alex, how about this red one?" She picked up a red gown that she shopped a week ago.

"This is beautiful my love. The red looks beautiful on you," Alex Qin answered hiding his annoyance. His wife was sitting on the floor of the dressing room for the last two hours, revealing clothes after clothes, and he understood where his hard-earned money went. Never mind, his wife was a crazy shopaholic.

"Oh Alex, you know nothing. How can I wear red to my dear's wedding? She is the bride. I don't wish to steal the limelight from her." She pouted and chided her husband.

"Yes, my dear Juju, you are right. But even if you wear a dull color, your eternal beauty is enough to lighten up the entire room. I agree you shouldn't wear red, what if someone mistakes you for the bride? Ah, my poor heart! think about it."

"Aiya! Alex, you're so sweet. Don't worry this young beauty won't leave her old man." Ming Jia assured her husband.

"haha...I know my Juju loves me the most." Alex Qin laughed.

"Who said I love you? I love your limitless credit card." Her nonchalant reply rendered him speechless.

Alex: "__"

His wife loved his money? Not him?

She waved her hand at him with a smug smirk on her face but stopped when she realized something.

"Aiya! I don't have anything to wear. Why is my Zhenyi marrying so soon? Does she not want her godmother to look beautiful on her wedding day?"

"And this Sam, do you even know where our son is?" Alex asked his drama queen wife. Just like every typical household, the duo of father and son were always at war against each other.

"You scolded him too much this time. he has not called me in days," Wang Jia pouted and grumbled. Her son was the best son in the whole wide world but still, this bad husband of hers scolded the poor boy.

Sigh! She was such a beautiful mother. Now, she must look more beautiful to hunt for a daughter-in-law.

Wow, she was so excited!

Unbeknownst to her, the daughter-in-law was already prepared but it was her son who was against the idea of marriage.

"Don't worry. You can meet him at the Wedding. You know, he won't miss it for anything." If he had not caused any trouble this time. Of course, he didn't say anything aloud. His son's attorney was right in front of him. And the attorney just happened to be his precious wife.

"Indeed. She is his best friend. There is no way, he won't be at the wedding," Ming Jia said unaware of the thought in her husband's mind.

Little did they know their son was still battling against death.

"And you can meet your daughter there too," Alex added cautiously observing her expressions.

"Don't you dare mention her! I don't have a daughter. Especially, the one who left me for a boy." The volcano erupted with the mention of her fugitive daughter.

No, Aria was not her daughter anymore.

"Come on, Juju don't be angry at her. She did what she thought was right at that time." Alex tried to take Aria's side. Though he knew what she did this time was quite selfish and reckless. But as a father, he couldn't bear to see her in distress. And if that boy was what she wanted, so be it.

"No. My answer is still the same." But Ming Jia was stubborn.

"Did you forget we eloped from our home?" Alex tried to make her recall how they were married.

"Shut up."

Did you checked out Knight in Black Suit?

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