
Going Home

Alex was surprised as he finally broke through the emission stage of Armament Haki quickly calmed down as he hid Franco behind a tree then continued his assault to the ape.

Alex was completely in the zone as he was switching with his guns and swords while he was attacking the ape. Once his bullets ran out, he switched to his swords and planned his final assault of the ape. He gets both of his swords and jumps towards the blinded ape as he first slashes at the ankles of the ape making the ape lose balance. Then he slashes at the back of the ape's knees making the ape finally fall. After the ape fell, Alex walked up to the ape's chest raised both of his swords while shouting "LONG LIVE THE KING!" before plunging both swords at the heart of the beast.

"Finally, we can go home now." said Alex as his consciousness was fading.

Sometime later Alex woke up in their treehouse as he saw Franco who was tending to his injuries. Franco saw him waking up quickly went up to him and asked, "How are you feeling Alex?"

"Feels like I've been hit by a 4-armed ape." said Alex while chuckling with his best friend.

"We can go home now." said Franco while preparing medicine for Alex's injuries.

"Damn right we can." said Alex as he puts his fist up for a fist bump with Franco and Franco just bumps his fists and finishes Alex's medicine.


Hours later, Alex and Franco were walking towards the village and finally saw the village gates with Vincent waiting for them as the two-year seclusion ends today.

They ran towards him and instead of giving him a hug, they were preparing to punch him as revenge for what happened to them these past two years. Vincent saw this and quickly dodge them both and sent them flying at the gates of the village.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR OLD MAN?!" shouted Alex

"Well you were gonna attack me so it's self-defense." said Vincent as he raised both of his hands as he tried to look innocent.

"*Tch* Self-defense my ass. Nice to see you alive pops." said Alex while Franco was still getting up from the hit.

"Of course, I'm Vincent D. Great and I won't die that easily WAHAHAHAHAHAHA" declared Vincent while laughing.

Alex and Franco seeing this just smiled as they missed the village and their families. They wanted to see how much the village has changed during their two-year absence.

While going around the village, they noticed that there were more people and that the shops and buildings are packed with people. They also saw that there were bigger houses and that they looked steadier than their old houses.

"You might be wondering why the houses look like what they look like now right?" asked Vincent as if he knew what they were thinking.

Alex and Franco just nodded and waited for Vincent's explanation as to why the houses look like that.

"Well there was a very strong typhoon a year ago and it almost blew away all of the houses and whatever was inside them. So the village council proposed that new materials should be used for the houses and buildings to ensure that something like houses being blown away could be avoided." Vincent explained as he was also scared of losing his precious books and diaries when the typhoon almost blew their house away.

After touring around the village, they went straight home and was greeted by their family members and all of them had a nice reunion dinner in the Hill's restaurant. They all went home after that and slept on their beds which they missed so much as they slept on tree branches and hard wood most of the time when they were at the forest.

After sleeping on their beds for the first time in ages, they woke up early as it was their routine for the past six years and did their daily exercises after their breakfast.

Vincent having nothing to teach them anymore just sparred with them every day trying to improve their skillset and prepare them for the unexpected things.

"OY POPS! YOU PROMISED ME TO TEACH ME SOME ASSASSINATION TECHNIQUES AND OTHER THINGS. DON'T TELL ME YOU FORGOT ALREADY?! YOU STILL HAVE A LOT TO TEACH ME OLD MAN!" said Alex as he remembered that his pops was proficient in anything and knows a lot because of his time as a spy and informant.

"Oh, I forgot about that WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Well I'll just give you the books about them and just learn them on your own. I'm too lazy to teach the both of you WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." said Vincent as he handed them books about assassination, navigation, cooking, carving, etc.

"Fine you lazy ass man. Franco and I will become the best in these techniques before we set sail." Alex declared as he dragged Franco to train.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

ImStar0710creators' thoughts