
Just to be careful

Patel didn't expect that one of the dogs would bounce on her when they just met, But it kinda made her feel happy. The five of them looked cute and strong at the same time. She wished that she could hear the sound of their barking.

Alice watched with a surprised look on her face how her brother's dogs warmed up to Patel in no time as if they knew before. Usually, they had a very hot temper when they met a new person.

"They sentenced her to disability. That's why They're acting differently with her." Lana said as she continued to look at the Patel who was sitting on the ground now playing with the dogs.

"What if Ethan asked you to make her leave? Where will she go? She has no one now." Alice asked worriedly at the girl.

"This is my house. If he doesn't welcome my guests, Then he isn't welcome here." Lana answered.

Alice nodded and sighed, She hoped that her brother doesn't make it hard for Patel, Life has been more than cruel to her.


That night, Ethan didn't come back to the mansion, Lana tried to contact him but his phone was off.

"Give him some time, Mam, Ethan thought that by killing and torturing the Santos family, He will feel less guilty about what happened that day, But in reality, he didn't. So he needs time to realize that he will have to just accept the pain and leave with it." Issac said as he sat next to his mother.

"I wish for that to happen, But with Ethan, I don't think so, The only way for him to wake up from the hatred that he surrounded himself with is with only one way, It would seem like a punishment from heaven for him when it's a bless, I have waited for this to happen for long and I started to doubt that it will happen in this lifetime." Lana replied as she stared at the fire that was burning the logs to provide warmth in the room.

Issac knew what his mother was talking about and she was right, Ethan's heart is full of hatred that won't allow him to feel anything else, But life is full of surprises, So they will wait and see.

"Did she sleep?" Issac asked.

"Hmm, I had to give her a sleeping pill, It was hard for her to fall asleep." Lana replied.

"That's normal after what she has been through. In time, She will find out that we are not as bad a family as we appear to be, But just to be careful, Keep an eye on her, Mam." Issac said as he stood up."Good night." He added kissing the top of his mother's head before he left the room.

Lana watched as her son left the room. A frown appeared on her face thinking about what Issac just said. Maybe someday Patel will think about getting revenge too for her family and her enemy will be Ethan.

She sighed trying to not think about the worst outcome, But Issac was right. It wouldn't harm anyone if she kept a close eye on her, Just to make sure that nothing bad will happen.
