
Sense of loss

"This can happen, if Mr. Mark's age gets into trouble that can shock his heart and pump his heart rate very fast. It can lead to anfal and can lead to coma." said the doctor explaining about Mr. Mark's condition.

"Is Mr. Mark's condition like this going to last long Doctor? Is there no medicine that can resuscitate Mr. Mark?" asked Gladys with a serious face.

"We will definitely try our best for Mr. Mark's recovery." said the doctor then went back into the room.

"Jeevan, you should go home and rest. Let me take care of Mr. Mark." said Gladys feeling sorry for Jeevan who looks very tired.

"No Glad, I'll just stay here. I was feeling uneasy before Dad realized." Jeevan said feeling responsible for his father's condition.

"Jeevan, listen to me. If you don't rest you can get sick. If you are sick how can you take care of your father." said Gladys could not bear to see Jeevan's sadness.
