
Three experts

Go to ultranovel.fr for read, you can use google translate if you don't speak french. (I was already using google translate so it doesn't change much :))

Hmm ... it's kinda amazing what just happened ...

I mean we went from 2-3 power stones per day to 20 power stones ...

There's definitely a zero added there!

Anyway it's amazing, and I have the impression that if I set the next goal at 100 power stones in one week you could reach it this week (no kidding, there are already 35 power stones this week lol)

So the next goal will be 200 power stones in one week!

Regarding the additional chapter, we will have to wait a bit because I have only 1 chapter in advance at the moment, and the problem is that I am not available next week. But I will still do my best to publish the additional chapter without disrupting the weekly publication. If not, don't worry, I'll publish it in the next few weeks!

I made you a promise, I will keep it!

Thank you for your support and let's go for the 200 power stones!

(And really sorry that I couldn't post the bonus chapter directly.)

Kasumacreators' thoughts