

[1,000,000 / 1,000,000]

I finally saw the experience reach the maximum.

* Click *

I felt something fundamental change in my brain.

* Schooochhh *

A vortex of several diameters appeared above me.

"Daddy, daddy, there's something weird above the city lord's palace." A 7/8 year old girl shouted at her father, pointing at the huge blue flow caused by the vortex.

"Um… shit, what is this thing?" The father exclaimed.

My vortex drew a titanic amount of energy from heaven and earth, so much so that a tornado formed over the palace.

The palace began to crumble from the pressure.

At the same time I was the eye of the storm, everything was calm a few meters away. My vortex was pulling all the energy gathered in the tornado onto me.

I felt like the son of nature, I was literally bathing in spiritual energy. The energy was starting to change the form of life that I was. Skin, blood, muscle, heart, lungs, bones absolutely everything changed in me. I was experiencing a metamorphosis of myself.

As I transitioned to a higher life form, my entire palate was literally destroyed by the pressure.

-End from the internal point of view William-

However the storm was not calming down, instead it was getting bigger. The houses nearby were also starting to be impacted by the tornado, pieces were coming loose from the houses. The pedestrians were swept by the wind which was getting stronger and stronger.

Chaos reigned in the center of Yol town, as if the apocalypse was about to begin.

The first victims were to be deplored: Several hundred people were caught in the tornado, screams were heard as they rose higher and higher in the sky.

However, there is a limit to everything. Suddenly all these people were thrown out of the tornado. All could see their lives go by. Children, friends, parents, brother, sister. They reflected on the life they lived and the relationships they formed with these people.

Some people regretted their past choices, thinking that they made bad choices and could never correct them, others were simply filled with endless despair while some did not realize that their life was drawing near. of the end because everything happened too quickly.

They started to fall like rain one after the other.

But while most were still tens of meters above the ground, they could see countless black auras appearing from the center of the tornado.

These dark auras transformed into countless streams going in all directions.

Before they reacted they were already on the ground, safe and sound.

The storm had magically disappeared, as if everything that had happened before was a dream. However, the palace and the destroyed residences nearby proved that everything that had just happened was real.

Although some shouts of joy echoed through the center of town but most could not be happy. Some had their homes totally destroyed, the plan of a lifetime wiped out in 30 seconds.

Many were looking towards the palace, some were stunned that a calamity had broken out without warning, while others were worried about their future.

Everyone thought that the patriarch, who was also the protector of the city, had died because of this storm.

"So young, what a pity ..." some sighed

"Haha, in the end even if you have a talent never seen in more than 1000 in the city of Yol, you will die miserably without knowing why while I will continue to live! Others felt happy knowing that they would live longer than an existence greater than theirs.

All wore different expressions and thoughts and it was at this moment that a figure surrounded by a sacred aura slowly ascended into the sky above the palace.

"He's a human! A human who flies in the sky! Cried a youngster who quickly woke up from his amazement.

"No, it's God. Another replied, starting to bow down to the figure.

Moments later, the figure had risen to such a height that it could be seen by any citizen of Yol Town. His holy aura cradled each of them. All were surprised to feel a warm foreign flow seep into them, sweeping away the fatigue accumulated for several decades for some. Sadness, anger, or any other negative feelings were completely wiped out as each person made the most of this phenomenon.

This unique phenomenon is known as the Holy Blessing. It is produced when an earthling reaches rank (D) because during this passage an enormous amount of energy is required during the passage to a higher life.

So the surroundings of rank (D) will be temporarily blessed by heaven and earth causing this effect on the lower life species.

-Internal point of view William-

I felt like a God with a healthy body and mind. I had the impression that if I made a slight movement, it would result in the destruction of my city. However the changes inside my body weren't over yet. My aura is not from this world but from the underworld, so all that energy was converted to black.

Ten seconds later ...


The aura that was previously white had suddenly turned black and strengthened to a great extent, but I controlled it completely so that it had no effect on my citizens. It just caused a strong gust of wind, but that's it.


[Access to rank D detected]

[Unlocking the new parallel world.]

[Currently researching…]

[Beast world detected.]

[Synchronization in progress…]





[Synchronization completed.]

[The host's talent awakens.]

[The system interacts with the host's talent.]

[The 3rd effect of the system skill "Soul King" is available.]

I ignored all of the notifications that appear one after the other and looked down, I noticed that while some weren't kneeling before, they all were now.

In their vision, I probably look like an evil God who came to destroy everything. The thought of resisting doesn't even cross their mind. They all saw the previous cyclone and everyone is afraid and they all know that if they reappear they will have no chance to resist.

And indeed they are right, although I cannot cause a cyclone, I can still completely destroy this city. It's just a matter of a few punches.

Seeing my own people fear me, I felt a little regret. No one wants to be an evil person if they have a choice. I would also have liked to have looked good, and not so ordinary. I would also have liked to have a white aura and become a God in their eyes. The girls would probably have pounced on me despite my poor appearance.

But now I can only see fear among them.

Even though I saved them all previously by summoning my skeletons but that is not enough to erase the fear inside all of them.

I let out a small sigh and then reinforced my resolve.

No emperor rules by being kind. And even if it happens miraculously, then there are still dissatisfied people plotting behind your back, causing chaos within the nation until it either self-destructs or splits into various forces. The war will then start again to decide the strongest.

It is a world where strength reigns and The weak are only the prey of the strong! Dissatisfied people? Take a hit from me and if you survive… Take another hit and the process will repeat until you submit.

No doubt is tolerated, it is only in this way that my people prospered!

"Hmm? »I saw from my position a few tens of kilometers several thousand horses of rank (F) galloping towards my city. At the front of this army was a woman of a beauty that had been unknown to me until then, yet the terrifying aura she gave off repelled any harmful thought against her.

" A woman ? Oh so she's a Queen, what a surprise." I said softly, smiling.

The Queen seemed to hear me looking directly in my direction and I saw her frown slightly, even though she was trying to keep a cold, unruffled expression.

After all, according to her aura, she is of rank (D) and to my knowledge there is only one person of rank (D) in the entire Northern Kingdom.

Our eyes met as I held my position several tens of feet tall and after a few seconds her face relaxed as she seemed to smile?
