


Tiny hands wave at Kaiden, although some do so reluctantly. One child clings to his leg while another stands by the doorway, silently watching as he waves goodbye. The pregnant Omega gives his best smile, used to their farewell routine by now.

It takes a couple more minutes of coaxing before all the parents pick up their children. Some gentle praises for being strong while mommy or daddy was away and promises to come back tomorrow always do the trick.

Today, however, no one cries at being separated from the 'sweet-smelling older brother,' innocent creatures lured by the words 'barbeque' and 'party.'

When the room is empty, only then does Kaiden drop his hands. He unconsciously rests it on his stomach as an older Beta woman in her late 30s, Hani, approaches him with a smile.

"Good job today as well, Kaiden," she says to the pregnant Omega. "You don't have to help us if you're feeling tired."
