

It had been so difficult to not laugh. Mark got what he deserved. I just wasn't expecting Dad to actually do it. I stormed into the bathroom so I could finally smile again. Today has been one weird day. I'm seeing Mom for the first time in a while, but Mark had to be here and ruin our precious reunion. I can't believe Mark knew where she was, but it doesn't surprise me. The thoughts run through my head of them screwing again. I'm so glad I was younger when this all happened. Mark probably has one of those gross bodies when he's naked.

I laugh at the thought. Hoping no one heard me, I cover my mouth and wait. The talking in the living room continues, so I decide to exit the bathroom and walk around a little. I walk down the hallway, and find the entrance to the back of the kitchen and then a dining room to my left. The table isn't huge, but I like it. To my right leads upstairs. I don't know how Mom would feel about me walking around her house, but I could care less. I'm enjoying my adventure.

I slowly make my way up the stairs, hoping no one in the living room can hear me. At the top of the stairs I reach a narrow hallway, with three doors along it. I enter the first door, and see a big room. Probably the master bedroom, probably my mother's. It's big, like her ego. It looks too fancy for this house, but what did I expect? I make my way over to her bed and touch the soft pillows. My fingers trace over the blanket's design and I almost want to wrap myself up in it and sleep away everything that has been going on. Almost.

"I've missed you." Her voice startles me. It comes out slowly and uneasy, as a whisper, then enters her normal speaking tone. I turn around, and Mom is standing at the door. She seems scared to see me. It hasn't been that long, but it's not been a short time either. I don't know what to say. "Okay." I mumble, and head down the hallway and back downstairs.

Entering the living room, I see Mark's busted up face again. What a sight. Dad is sitting on the edge of the couch, staring at the wall. I bet they had an awkward conversation. I hope Mark finally just confesses to the things he has done and we can move past this. Noticing that Mark has been staring at me this whole time, I enter the kitchen and sit down at the table.

Mom walks back downstairs, and makes her way over to the fridge. "We have food if you guys are hungry," she tells us. Steven suddenly appears from out of nowhere, and darts instantly to the fridge. What a chode bag. Mom tries pulling him back when she sees him grabbing half of the food. "Slow down, tiger. We have to save this stuff."

Steven pushes Mom to the ground, and leans back into the fridge. I bolt up from my chair.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Dad yells, and jumps up from the couch. He rushes in the doorway, and gets to Mom's side. Steven kicks him in the stomach and Dad falls with a thud. Mark stands up. Oh, God. For once, he's going to be a good guy.

"Did you get all the food?" Mark asks him. Wait. What? Steven hands Mark some of the food, and Mark takes it towards the front door. Steven throws the extra food onto the counter, and then turns to me. I'm frozen in place. My feet feel like they have been placed in concrete. I try to run, but Steven grabs me by the arm. "You aren't going anywhere," he breathes into my ear. "We're going to keep you."

I glance down, and I can see Dad curled up on the floor. He's reaching his arm out to me, trying to help but he can't. Mom's head hit the ground and she's unconscious. At least, I hope. Steven grabs me, and punches me in the stomach. "We're going to make sure you won't be able to have a normal life again." As he finishes speaking, he throws me over his shoulder and brings me outside to the truck.

My head and stomach hurt too much to think. I've been trying to run, but there's nowhere to go. I slip into unconsciousness.
