
Into The Unknown (Word Of Advice ~ 7)

Fear's common enemy...


Love's common opposer...


Lovingly faithful. Faithfully loving. Strong. Brave. Kind. Wise. Patient. Considerate. Cautious. The qualities within a good life. Within a good man or good woman. All that holds up against the worst of the worst. The ugliest and the most wicked. Maintaining is difficult. Losing is unfortunate. Permanency is pushed by choice.

What we think we know is not the same as what we actually know or do. Look into the unknown. Confused? That is normal. Frustrated? That is understandable. He is the One who truly knows. He is the One who is truly everything. What He knows is unknown to us. What He knows is not always meant for us to know. Who He is...He is One to trust. To love. To believe in. To rely on.

We will face the unknown, knowing we are not alone.

Everything that happens, or that exists, or that is mind boggling is not meant for us to always comprehend. The reasons are there, but not fully grasped. Not yet, and maybe not ever. God knows what He is doing. He always has, and He always will. Be frustrated, be confused, but have patience. All of it has a purpose.

~ Author

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