
The First Date


We're almost ready for the big hour. Just one last thing…

"What are those two even doing there? How long does it take to put on a three-piece suit?" Lt. Evans says, pacing the room.

Lt. Song and Major Felix are currently behind the cabinet, getting ready for the big event.

"Hush now, no touching. We need to make sure this is perfect," we hear Lt. Song say.

"Will it even look good? Will a bun really look good on me?" Major Felix asks.

"Of course it will, have ye no faith on the other end of thy soul? I will make you look irresistible," Lt. Song replies.

Right, 'the other end of her soul' will go out on his first date, and I've noticed that some of Lt. Song's emotions are leaking. She seems…well, nervous, maybe. I don't know how to read her (no one does), but she sure seems antsy today.
