
31. Decisions

Making his way back to the main road Sam headed to the construction depot as the little monkey followed behind. The sun started to drift below the treeline as Sam and the little monkey finally made it to the depot.

"Stay close little white, I've ordered my people to clear out all monsters" Sam finally spoke to the little monkey.

"I don't like it pick something else" It voice out angrily.

"What about Moon" Sam chuckled at the displeased monkey.

"I like Moon" It replied before being stopped by Sam pulling out his weapons. The sounds of battle could be heard from the far side of the depot. Sam sprinted towards the sound as Moon awkwardly tried to keep pace with him. As Sam made it closer the sound of Chris shouting orders and curses could be heard over the sounds of fighting. Sam seeing Chris, Connor and the knights fighting other people in leather armour, leapt in to combat. Slashing at two guys overpowering a knight, Sam caught the two unaware as one was fell dead to the ground and the other was given a nasty cut to the arm.

"MASTER HAS ARRIVED" Connor shouted as he swung a large two-handed sword bisecting a man in front of him sending blood and viscera flying. Take that as a que Sam started to raise the fallen enemy body's causing a dozen skeletons to claw there way out of the black mist and launch themselves at former comrads.

"Master I have found the lady and Sevrus" Bane sounded in Sam's head. Sam sighed in relief as he continued to protect some of the weaker knights.

"Retreat" A voice shouted out causing what was left of the leather clad warriors to run away. Dispatching two more before the rest fled Chris cleaned his sword off on a dead body as he walked to Sam.

"Check for wounded gather the dead" Sam yelled as he helped a knight that has a large slice on his leg.

"Nice timing" Chris fist bumped Sam as he found a spot for them to talk.

"So what happened here" Sam asked as he plopped down on a wooden spool. Chris took off his helm and hopped on a stack of bricks as he looked at Sam with a stern face.

"They were waiting for us when we got here. Waited for us to start doing inventory before attacking" Chris recounted what happened as Sam grew angrier.

"Chapter Master, we have 8 dead and 16 wounded. Are spoils are the equipment of 41 Raiders" A knight walked to Chris and bowed as he listed the casualties.

"Damn Raiders, who gave us away" Chris raged as he smashed a wooden crate nearby. Sam patted Chris's shoulder as he looked at the pile of raider bodies and raised them as skeletons.

"We will find out why they were waiting till then we continue to build up and strengthen" Sam said as he issued order for the skeletons to start carrying back the construction supplies. Watching over the undead moving supplies Sam told Chris about what happened with the primates.

"There's one of them running around here somewhere" Sam said as he looked around before spotting Moon sitting on top of a shed eating some sort of fruit. Waving over her over Moon pouted and turn to face another way.

"I'm not a puppy" she shouted in Sam head. Sam confused by Moon's reply shook his head and continued to make plans with Chris. An hour later Truth comes walking into the depot with Sevrus and Bane leading the skeletons.

"Why did I see a giant monkey and a giant turtle growling at each other limping to the base" She marched up to Sam and asked exhausted.

"I subdued a small tribe of primates" Sam replied back.

"Where's Abaddon' Sam asked after looking over the skeletons.

"That stupid sack of bones is taking a group of people back to the camp. We found about thirty survivors living in a sewer drainage system" Truth told Sam about the survivors and a few places they looted before she came back to the depot.

"Well looks like we all had a eventful day" Chris said grumpily still pissed at the lost of knights. Sam bumped his chest as he grabbed something for Truth to sit on.

"We need to make a decision about the people from Wallie World. I have a strong feeling the Raiders from earlier was them" Sam looked to Chris and Truth for their opinions.

"Gather everyone and kill" Chris said venomousliy while Truth shook her head.

"Take out who needs to be killed but we need to save as many as we can" Truth rebuked Chris as she looked to Sam. Sam crossed his arms as he debated with his self over what fo do.

"We kill all that resist BUT, only after offering their surrender" Sam said as he stared at Chris, Truth nodded her head in agreeance. Chris sighed as he nodded his head in agreeance as well.

"For now let's finish packing up this place and head back" Sam spoke as he looked towards the sun that was almost fully below the treeline. Chris and Truth walked away to assist the knights and undead. Sam stared st the setting sun a few seconds more before sighing and started to help load up supplies. The moon was high in the sky when the convoy of carts full of construction supplies was loaded and ready to set off.

"Make sure we got everything, check to make sure everything is tied properly" Chris shouted orders to the knights as Sam commanded the undead to get in formation.

"Bane take the wraiths and intercept enemies, Sevrus you are in command of the skeletons to protect the cargo" Sam finished issuing orders as he walked to the front of the convoy. Truth and Chris met him as they opened the chain link gate and set off for the camp. Growls and howls could be heard from the treeline along with fighting as the convoy moved down the gravel road.

"Master we are engaging primates" Bane spoke to Sam as the sound of combat grew more fierce.

"Keep it steady and move" Chris yelled seeing some knight grow nervous and slow down. Sevrus ordered a group of skeletons to grab the dead bodies left behind by Bane to raise. Sam making it to the main road stopped and let the convoy continue on making sure everyone was accounted for. Bane walked slowly out of the woodline with 15 new skeletons following him.

"Master the monkeys have retreated" he kneeled and spoke. Sam looked past Bane as he felt eyes watching him with bloodlust.

"I don't think we are welcomed here anymore" he chuckled as he turned to catch up with the convoy. A pair of yellow and orange eyes opened up and looked towards Sam with hatred as he turned around and left. A deep HUMMM came from the woods as the eyes closed and total silence descended upon the woods.
