
Week 24 - pt 1

12th February

Connor knocked on Autumn’s door she opened the door. ‘Oh hi Con.’

‘So are we ready to go?’

‘Yeah.’ She said closing the door behind her.

He dropped his arm over her shoulders and they walked away. ‘So how are you feeling about today babe? You have Harding this morning?’

‘Yeah I’m fine.’

‘You don’t sound fine.’

‘What if they all laugh at me Con ?’

‘They won’t.’

‘What if they do?’

‘They won’t trust me.’

‘Hey guys wait up.’

‘Dan.’ He jogged over to them. ‘I thought you’d already be gone by now and at school.’

‘Nagh mom couldn’t wake me bad night.’


‘Yeah.’ He looked at Autumn. ‘Hey red it’s good to see your back.’

‘I guess.

‘So when they taking the patch off?’

‘Next week hopefully.’

‘Do the school know?’

‘They’ve been notified yes.’

‘Bet Harding’s pleased he ain’t like Grayson at all he likes everything running smoothly.’
