
Chapter 2

I was not to shocked by what was discussed in the meeting but rather the way my father approached the topic.

"You and Blair are getting married before the end of the year, the contract has been signed" said my father


"Manners Hunter!" said my mother

"Hunter you are the only person I think would be capable of running my business. I know you have your own, as well as, your father's but Blair is better on the cover of the business than she is at the behind the scenes of the work. I only ask that you consider our offer" said Mr Fields.

"There is nothing to consider, they will be getting married. End of story" said, my father

"I guess we are getting married Blair" I said defeated. Blair jumped into my arms and screamed in my ear. I guess she was excited. 

"Looks like I'm getting a sister in law" said Carys.

I was not excited but there was nothing I could do but to comply. Blair wasn't that bad I just didn't know how to love her. I guess I will have to learn.

Blair and I went up to my room to talk. She was blabbing on about the wedding and all the things she wanted and all the people she wanted there. 

"Oh we should definitely invite all the top artists to the wedding, I wonder who we should choose to sing?" she turned to me as if expecting an answer 

"Whatever you want darling" I drawled

"Oh you're practicing already" she whimpered

"I think we should hold of on the wedding plans until you and our mothers can be together." 

"That's a good idea, they had beautiful wedding pictures. We should get Demarchelier to be our photographer." she continued  

"I am going to do my homework now, do you have any you need help with?" I asked

"Not really, all this work is so easy I don't know why they didn't put me in the AP classes like you" she said exasperated

"Well you are a model, will you have time for all the extra work of AP classes and then you have movies to shoot as well." I explained

"Ok, that makes sense I guess. How do you do it. I don't understand why you don't just test out of high school. You are smart enough." 

"I wanted the experience of being a high school student, but now I think I will be doing that before the wedding comes around."

Blair and I did our homework and then she went home. I stayed up late at night thinking about how my life had changed around me and how I was going to handle the new changes. I ended sleeping at around 3 am. I woke up grumpy because of lack of sleep and frustration at my father for making life changing decisions without my input. Running three businesses was no easy task. I would have to sell my chain or find someone to manage it. 

I arrived at school and everyone was whispering about my newfound stats change as the most popular/rich kid at school.  I just knew when news about the wedding spread it would be worse. 

"Hunter!" Blair shouted as she jumped on me.

"Blair," I said with a straight face

"Who pooped in your coffee this morning"

"My father that's who." 

"Oh come one Hun, we are going to make the most beautiful couple," she said

"Yeah, sure," I said " I have to go to the headmaster's office to discuss my testing out of this school"

Blair insisted on coming with so I let her come not in the mood for an argument. I asked to talk to the headmaster when I got to her secretary. 

"Hello, aunt Mavis" yeah the headmaster was my aunt, on my mother's side. 

"How can I help you Hunter?" she asked. My aunt was a fair headmaster who always insisted on hearing both sides of a story before making a decision. Never discriminated against anything that's why she was so loved by the students and her dark complexion and beautiful green eyes, only helped. 

"Some things have changed so I would like to test out of high school."

"Oh Hunter you already wrote the test when you first arrived here, it was only because you were so adamant about finishing like a normal student that I let you stay. All the work you have been doing has been going towards your university credits. You only need a letter of recommendation and you could be fast-tracked into any university course you want to do." 

"Oh," I said dumbfounded "Then today will be my last day at school, I will be focusing on other things from tomorrow onwards"

"If that is what you want Hunter, just don't let your father run your life forever," she said.

I walked Blair to her class and I went on to my first class for the day. When I arrived I found that it was already spread around the school that I was leaving the school and now everyone was pestering me to know why. It was rather irritating. By lunchtime, I was fed up I sent Blair a message telling her that I was leaving and that she should come to my office after school. 

'Can't even have a normal last day'

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sethmeister96creators' thoughts