
Chapter 76

"Angry?" Feng Fei Ming approached the young man who was pretending to sleep with his back to him and asked in a soft voice.

Qing Yun sneered soundlessly. Shen Mingye is not stupid. Feng Fei Ming hung out the whole night, so how could he not notice that something was wrong.

But that is when Feng Fei Ming's scum nature came to light.

He could not let go of the true feelings shown by Shen Mingye, but at the same time, he did not want to give his heart to him. While maliciously speculating about Shen Mingye's purpose, he also showed him as much tenderness as possible, coaxing Shen Mingye's simple heart.

"I know it was your birthday last night, and I wanted to give you a surprise, but there was a sudden problem within the family. The custom-made gift for you had to be delayed for some time due to conflicting orders..."

The lies were quite smooth, but to get Feng Fei Ming to make up such fine lies to coax him, it means that Qing Yun's mission has been accomplished by a small margin.

Qing Yun's gaze flashed with mockery, but his voice was tinged with relief, "Really?"

"Of course, it's true. The gift I prepared for you will probably arrive tomorrow. See if you like it then?" Feng Fei Ming patiently coaxed the simple youth. This was the second time he had done this kind of thing with all his heart. The first time was when he first came to the Patterson family.

The first time was to please his aunt, but what about this time? What is he doing it for? Feng Fei Ming asked himself in his heart.

But when he saw the young man's eyes shining again, he no longer dwelled on it.

Probably the way Shen Mingye turned around and looked at him with embarrassment greatly pleased Feng Fei Ming, who couldn't help but lower his head and try to kiss the youth's forehead.

As soon as Ahaz opened his eyes, he saw this scene that almost killed him immediately. Damn, he could only kiss in his dreams, so where did Feng Fei Ming have the right to touch his boy?


Just when Feng Fei Ming was about to touch Qing Yun's forehead, the robot butler's stiff shout stopped his movement.

"What?" Feng Fei Ming turned his head unhappily to look.

The deep coldness in Qing Yun's eyes finally faded a bit, and he raised his eyebrows to look with interest at the robot standing at the end of the bed.

"Master, after the tests and not having breakfast, the Young Master's blood sugar has fallen below the normal value. So, it is recommended to take the Young Master downstairs for a meal immediately."

Ahaz almost gritted his teeth to say this. The robot butler could not lie to his master. God knows how he was able to control this body to say this sentence.

Upon hearing this, Feng Fei Ming, who had just made a gentle appearance in front of Shen Mingye's eyes, naturally could not delay the young man and instructed Ahaz to bring up the food.

Ahaz was a million times reluctant. In case he left...Feng Fei Ming again...

"I'll go down." The young man's heavenly voice rang out as he sat up from the bed. His eyes faintly looking at Ahaz and said, "I happen to be a little tired after sleeping for so long. It's good to go downstairs for a walk."

Obviously, this gaze is the same as usual, but somehow Ahaz felt some inexplicable chills down his spine...

Qing Yun looked at the expressionless robot for a moment and secretly pulled the corners of his mouth.

Heh, the moment he emerged is quite timely ah?

Shen Mingye soon received a gift from Feng Fei Ming. Still, Feng Fei Ming was so busy these days because of the things that Ahaz had secretly done that he soon left Shen Mingye behind again.

Qing Yun sat at his desk, not reading or creating as he usually does, but he leaned back in his chair and raised his eyebrows at the butler K standing in front of him.

Ahaz was delighted by the concentrated gaze of his youth, but he also vaguely felt a slight chill. He had gotten the hang of threading himself around in the robot body a bit this time.

As long as this robot shuts down, Ahaz can return to his own body, and the piece that fell in his room is the machine of his crossing.

After being able to control this crossing freely, the first thing Ahaz did was to call someone from the robot maintenance department over and have him reset the butler K's permissions. Now, in the butler k's program, Shen Mingye has replaced Feng Fei Ming as the sole owner. He has also increased his own autonomous authority to control the switch of the body camera at any time.

After all, the robot butler K is from Ahaz's own business, so if he sends a message, won't it be easy to change something secretly?

However, for some reason, every time Ahaz shuts down and then restarts, the young man looks at him a little bit wrong. Like now, receiving the teenager's gaze, it is clear that Ahaz, who faced the heads of state without changing his face to negotiate, was somewhat...nervous?

In the past few days, butler K's actions have caught Qing Yun's eyes, and he has become increasingly curious about this man's identity. Still, he is not prepared to take the initiative to ask. This man's actions of coming and going when he wants to continue to displease Qing Yun.


Ahaz heard the young man in front of him call him, and his voice was not the good-natured voice that faced Feng Fei Ming, but a long trailing tone, with a bit of fuzzy and seductive flavor. If the robot could breathe, Ahaz's breathing would undoubtedly have become ragged.

"Young Master, what are your orders?"

Ahaz was pleased to play the role of a butler loyal to the youth alone. Even without the program control of the robot butler itself, Ahaz's every action now leaves no room for criticism.

"Fei Ming's birthday seems to be coming up in two months from now?" The young man rested his cheek in one hand and tapped on the table with his fingers of the other hand. His gaze lightly swept over Ahaz, "Should I prepare a present for him?"

The corners of Ahaz's mouth stiffened. How can you call it "coming soon" when there are still two months to go? Shen Mingye's own awful birthday had not long passed. How come he was thinking of organizing for Feng Fei Ming's birthday as well?

That fool Yoder was also preparing a surprise for Feng Fei Ming, thinking he knew who Feng Fei Ming would choose to spend his birthday with that day.

He hadn't thought of how to persuade the teenager, but Ahaz saw the young man rummaging through a drawer and finally found a pile of papers with poems written on them in beautiful flowery characters. They were love poems.

These are all written by Shen Mingye before. After all, Qing Yun can not be in the mood to write these things.

He shoved the thick pile of "love poems" into Ahaz's hand and stared at him, saying, "I want to set up a surprise for Fei Ming in advance, so you can help me carve them on the staircase handrail."

From the time he saw the words on the paper, his face was as ugly as can be, and at this time, hearing the youth's words, he could almost vomit blood.

His beloved young man had taken the trouble to write so many love poems to Feng Fei Ming. Every word and sentence was romantic and full of love.

Now, he has to hand-carve one letter after another on the wooden staircase handrail, just so that the person can feel his love with his fingertips every time he walks on the stairs?

How can the young man be so romantic? But what was romantic to Feng Fei Ming was no less torturous to Ahaz, who also adored him.

But whether it is the role of the program inside the robot now, or Ahaz himself, he can not refuse Qing Yun.

So Ahaz could only stiffen up and walk out with these love letters. He was very tempted to shut down and just let the robot, which had no consciousness, do the carving itself, but Ahaz couldn't let it go. Even though he knew they were love letters from the youth to the other, he wanted to read them word for word.

This day, in addition to preparing a meal for the teenager, Ahaz spent all his time on the matter of carving love poems.

It was already very late before Ahaz carved the last letter. His whole face was expressionless, but it gave a feeling of dejection.

When he finished everything and walked to Shen Mingye's room, ready to see how the teenager was sleeping, the door suddenly opened.

The young man in pajamas stood there with his clear amber eyes. He did not look at him but tilted his head sideways and stared at the door frame next to him. However, from Ahaz's perspective, he could still see the sparkling light in those eyes.

The youth suddenly held out his hand and handed him a piece of paper with fresh traces of ink on it that had not yet dried out. It was a newly written poem.

"Is there still room on the handrail?" After saying that, Shen Mingye shoved the paper into Ahaz's hand, "If there is no space, forget it. You keep it for yourself."

The young man closed the door with a bang, not letting the man outside see the sudden flush at the base of his ears.

Qing Yun jumped into bed in two steps and buried himself under the covers.

Damn! Why did he suddenly feel some heartache when he looked at the man's disheveled back carving words? And like a fool, he really ran over and wrote him a mushy love poem?

Is it possible to be infected by Shen Mingye?

Sitting up from the bed with messy hair, Qing Yun viciously stared at the snow-white pillow on the bed as if looking at the man's face and immediately hit it. "Isn't it just asking you to carve a poem, so what is this distress!"

Once the pillow was hammered to the floor, Qing Yun bent down to pick it up just in time to face the huge dressing mirror.

In the mirror, the youth with messy hair and wearing loose pajamas was full of shame. His face was a red mess.

"Bang!" It was the sound of a soft pillow hitting the mirror.

Ahaz cupped the paper in his hand and froze for a long moment before responding. He first gave a deep sigh, turned around, and went downstairs to find out if there was still room to carve this not short poem.

But then it occurred to him. The teenager said that if there was no place to carve it, it would be given to him?

Ahaz stopped walking down the stairs, leaned on the handrail, and began to read the poem.

Word for word, extremely serious.

The love implied in this poem is not as flashy and passionate as in the previous poems. Instead, it is indicated between the lines and can only be felt through careful reading.

It is not until the last line that this emotion is made clear.

"Love you to the end of the world." Ahaz slowly pronounced these words in a flat, robotic voice. At once, the sorrow that had enveloped Ahaz all day disappeared without a trace.

A tremendously moving and extremely intense emotion surged through his soul, prompting Ahaz to reverently kiss the slightly wet ink.

It was also a love poem, but this one was an exceptional joy for Ahaz to read as if it was laced with some secret that only he and the young man knew.

Ahaz was uneasy about hiding this paper around and eventually used his privilege to store it in the well-known but tightly guarded, top-rated safe of that underground organization.

When the people from the organization came to pick up the goods secretly, they only thought it was something so precious that the man personally contacted them and applied for a national treasure level of protection. They escorted this precious treasure with the tightest of defenses. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, fearing the slightest disturbance on the way.

No one could have imagined that the treasure they were strictly watching for was just a love poem written by a young man.

"Haven't had a good rest these past few days?"

Sitting in the living room, Yoder took a sip of black tea and looked at Feng Fei Ming, who was sitting across from him, with a caring look.

Feng Fei Ming did not say anything but shook his head at him. The exhaustion on his face could not be concealed.

After he first took over the Patterson family, there was strong resistance within the family, especially from the eldest brother of Shen Mingye's father. These two brothers were very close, but because of their good relationship, Shen Mingye's eldest uncle preferred to put Shen Mingye in power rather than take advantage of Feng Fei Ming.

But after some time of Feng Fei Ming's operation, the family's internal situation had calmed down. However, recently, for some reason, the discordant voices resurfaced, and some people even used illegal means against Feng Fei Ming.

Ahaz has made up his mind not to let him have a good time, so these days, Feng Fei Ming is indeed alarmed and very tired.

In fact, both the faces of the two people sitting here are not good because Yoder was inexplicably suspended by his father recently. He has also been perturbed for quite some time.

What made it more difficult for Yoder was the momentary expression that Feng Fei Ming could not hide when he learned that he was being suspended. It was not a heartfelt worry but more of a businessman-like weighing of interests.

Actually, when Feng Fei Ming made such an expression, Yoder was not surprised, because to be honest, he was very similar to Feng Fei Ming's character. He knew that Feng Fei Ming's heart was very defensive, and he could also understand Feng Fei Ming. However, from an emotional point of view, Yoder could not accept Feng Fei Ming's display like this.

Especially...in contrast to Shen Mingye.

Thinking about how Shen Mingye looked at Feng Fei Ming, Yoder could not help but smile bitterly. That was a passionate emotion that he could dedicate his life to without hesitation, an emotion he could never expect to see in Feng Fei Ming.

Because the man is strong and sensible. However, he just loves Feng Fei Ming, so what can be done about it?

Suppressing the longing that inexplicably emerged from the bottom of his heart, Yoder looked upstairs and couldn't resist asking, "Shen...how come he hasn't been seen for the past few days?"

Since the last time when the youth had a fever, Yoder rarely saw Shen Mingye when he came here again. In the past, as long as he was there, even if the teenager was reading a book, Feng Fei Ming would deliberately call him down.

When the young man was there before, Yoder was irritated in his heart, both because of the marriage contract issue and because he felt jealous that he had taken away Feng Fei Ming's attention. But now that he repeatedly fails to see Shen Mingye, he actually misses that pair of clear and beautiful amber eyes.

When he heard Yoder's question, Feng Fei Ming froze for a moment. Then, he thought that Shen Mingye was always present when Yoder was there, so it was normal for him to be curious now.

The truth was that Shen Mingye was very peaceful, no one disturbed him, and he could stay in the house all day reading a book. In the beginning, when Yoder came to the Patterson family as a guest, the youth who was also very repulsed by the engagement did not want to come down to face Yoder. It was Feng Fei Ming who called him down.

It was only to make Yoder jealous and enlightened.

Now...perhaps because Yoder's performance had satisfied him, Feng Fei Ming surprisingly did not want to call Shen Mingye down again to let him sit aside and watch himself chat with Yoder.

Because Feng Fei Ming will often talk to Yoder about business matters, which is uninteresting to the young man, he will feel very bored but will not bother them. He can only sit quietly and stare with an unmistakable look of loneliness in his eyes.

Therefore, since there was no need, Feng Fei Ming did not want to disturb Shen Mingye from reading his book.

Not at all aware of the rare tenderness from his heart, Feng Fei Ming was so tired that he could not help but yawn in front of Yoder.

Yoder immediately stood up and said, "Why are you still holding up when you're so tired? I'll help you upstairs to rest."

With that, he helped Feng Fei Ming up with a slight force and pushed him to walk upstairs.

Yoder's care made Feng Fei Ming extremely pleased, so he did not refuse and followed the man's force to go upstairs.

Yoder was initially focused on supporting Feng Fei Ming. Still, once his hand was attached to the stairs' handrail, he sensitively felt something not quite right. The wooden handrail seemed to be carved with some kind of pattern?

After another careful feel with his fingertips, Yoder realized that it turned out to be all letters.

These letters were carved very small, and it wasn't easy to see from the exterior that something was engraved on this wooden handrail.

Yoder touched the handrail, and some scattered words came into his mind. Piecing them together, they were passionate and seemingly shy words of love.

He was stunned. Before, he had also gone upstairs and touched the handrail of the stairs in this house and did not notice any difference.

So it was recently carved?

"The handrail of your house is very chic?" Yoder turned his head to look at Feng Fei Ming with a complicated gaze, and his words were laced with inquiry.

"Is it?" Feng Fei Ming smiled. Recently, he has been too busy, so even though he felt the touch of the handrail seemed to be different from usual, he did not look deeper into it.

Looking at the expression on Feng Fei Ming's face, Yoder knew that he was unaware of it. Was it...Shen Mingye?

A pair of eyes glowing brilliantly in the sunlight, and white fingers holding a porcelain cup, suddenly appeared in Yoder's mind again.

He held Feng Fei Ming, but the two's intimate posture caused no ambiguous feeling. Instead, he was fascinated as his fingers stroked the handrail, carefully reading the love poems on it.

Every word was romantic and loyal, just like the focused gaze of that young man as he looked at Feng Fei Ming.
