

As the baby heard this familiar beautiful voice, the baby stops his thumb just touching the skin of the eyelids of the person while everybody in the room looked at the person who just came in followed by two familiar people to the 4 big Clans.

When they saw the people who just came in, they all have worries in their eyes while they use all their remaining courage in their hearts surrounding these people and guarded them to the abomination that is still facing its back to them and ignoring their moves.

"Why do you know that name..." a cute voice was heard from the baby that is not facing them.

A dead Silence engulfs the room after the baby asks this question while the people were shocked that someone is familiar with this abnormally scary baby.

"All I can say is that maybe, you did something and made this happen..." Ezy heard a caring and loving voice making shiver a little.

"Maybe that old man meant this as my gift... Now I'm curious about the reward now... hehe." He thought while wishing that this was their first meeting in this life and thinking what an ugly reunion with the mess around them.

"Vicky, can we talk later..." For the first time, the 5 big Clans heard the baby's innocent and warm voice and made them feel that they are saved by the princess followed by her elder brother and father.


The voice of the baby turns back to his cold and deadly voice."I need to help to free this man from his sins..." He said while making the 5 big clans pulled back to hell again.

"You..." Vicky stopped his elder brother from continuing, fearing for making it worse than it already has been.

Victor Alastair Scarlett looked at his Younger sister angrily after being stopped by her for reasoning out to this scary baby and was planning to berate this baby for disrespecting and ignoring the Royal Familie presence but when he saw Vicky sweating heavily like a person who is defusing a bomb in front of her sister. He understood at this moment how dangerous this situation making his calm and collected sister who didn't even worry about the danger that happened to them and didn't even flinch from killing many people.

As Vicky's father King Vernon Augustine Scarlett saw his daughter worried and cautious about speaking to this dangerous baby, he gestured everyone to shut up and let only his daughter talk to resolve this matter.

Everyone looked at the princess and lastly look at the back of the frightening baby while praying for the princess's safety and for her success in saving their friend's life.

They heard the begging and concerned voice of the princess for them shocking their heart.

"Please... Ezy..."


"I wish for you to find inside your heart again to forgive these people and even this man for wrong in your family..."


"My family even in a way is part of this sin..."


"I know that you have already forgiven us but hearing everything in detail and remembering every nook and cranny made you like this..."


"That person in front of you has also suffered and lost someone he looked up to from our strict rules to protect our kingdom."


"But can you again forgive them from something that will not happen again... I... Vicky... As your lover promise you this from the bottom of my heart..."


"Vicky... You owe me one wish...." and then in front of them, the baby disappeared slowly while they can only think everything was real seeing the devastation that was left on the room.

When Vicky saw Ezy disappear, she went outside the room and lean to a wall while telling them what to do while they were dazing.

"Father, call an ambulance for Mr. Alexander, while everyone cleans up yourselves to avoid rumors and everything that happened here is a kingdom top secret to avoid his identity to be known this early," Vicky said while everyone started using their own phones to call someone and executing the princess's command.

"Victoria... What was that scary baby?" King Vernon asks with fear from unknown things.

"Father... that baby is a lazy, easy-going, kind, and perverted person...." She looked at King Vernon smiling and then closed her eyes and tears start to flow.

"He can avoid or just ignore things around him and always lazy to do anything, but if you hurt anyone around him or persons close to his life. A total opposite to his attitude will surface where he exercises extreme curiosity for a different kind of inflicting pain to an individual breaking their body and destroying its mentality to an unrepairable level and even death will be a good reward for that person." She said to his father while remembering a cruel event in the past future where they save a group of people and in the end being captured in their sleep. She could remember at that time, Ezy was forced to find food for them but when one night he came back early. He discovered that the people they saved, captured his loved ones and about to rape them while decided to kill themselves after doing their deeds to them.

Knowing that death was too easy for them, he made good memories for them while forcing them to live longer and when the ladies saw him changing slowly in a bad way and enjoying the pleasure screams of pain and terror from them. They kill all the people while Ezy was pouting in the corner like a sad child who had lost his toys.

It took a long time to reeducate Ezy from this event but went Ezy's reverse skin was hurt or in danger from things that is stupid for him and were made by others. This sometimes reawakens to the cruel part of him while thinking that the reason for seeing him like this again was related to her family's strict rules making her crying.

"As to what we arrange, let's wait for a while. I need to talk to that baby first."

"As you wish...What about the word lover you said?"

"Let's talk about that later father..." Vicky heard her father and made her stop cry while covering her red face and run away.

Looking at the back of his daughter, many questions invated his mind but stop himself seeing his daughter not want to talk about it.

"Father..." Victor spoked

"Son, let's give your sister space first..."

"And also I think that baby is the son of Mr. Adam and Mrs. Amor... this is also part of your sister's wish... wait cannot touch that baby and his parents... this is your sister's reward for that night."

" But father, this is not normal anymore... My younger sister is like that, and now there's a half baby that can talk while it just disappeared like that... Am I a bad brother to be afraid of my sister?" Victor was very confused about his kind and honest sister who just change her attitude out of nowhere and did a scary thing but saved their lives from peril.

"Well, from the olden days. People burn others if they can't explain the situation, they will call it witchcraft. Do you want to burn your sister?" King Vernon looks at his son's eyes.

"No father..." Victor looks down while answering his father.

"Then let's wait for your younger sister to open up to us."

"OK, father..."


Before the 5 big Clans meeting started.

The announcer was shaking at the entrance seeing this famous family who just came in at the last minute. He didn't expect that they also come for this kind of even while thinking that the party already started without them and also they are not on the guestlist making him smile bitterly.

"Fuck it! Who am I to stop this dinosaur family... I still wish to live longer."

"Ladies and Gentlemen!"

"May I have your attention!" He shouted with all of his spirits while forgetting that there's a microphone near him.

Everyone was curious about what causes this person to just shout and even without the microphone, his voice vibrated all over the area and even some people in the garden can hear him.

" Our highnesses, the Royal Family of the kingdom!"

"Princess Victoria Alessandra Scarlett..."

"Crown Prince Victor Alastair Scarlett..."

"Queen Matilda Ruby Scarlett..."

" and our Overlord of the Kingdom!"

"King King Vernon Augustine Scarlett..."

Everyone was shocked and the guest outside went inside while everyone divided themselves left and right of the way of the Royal family while simultaneously kneeling and shouted.

"God bless our King!"

While the host of the party, Ezy's mother and father who also was shocked, Both of them walk in the middle of the way to the front of the Royal Family and kneeled in front of them.

"God bless our King!"

"Everyone rise." The king smiles kindly while gesturing them to stand.

Everyone stands up while waiting for something.

"Enjoy the party..." The king looked at them and waving his hand to continue their own business like he was the host of the party.

The guest starts to return to their own businesses while a few of them who are acquainted with the Royal Family came near and greet them while the Ezy's parent escorted the Royal Family to their forever reserve table in every event.

Ezy's parents entertain them wait the princess was looking left and right like looking for someone.

When Adam saw this he exclaimed."Princess, may I help you?"

"Where is your son?" Vicky said.

"Sorry princess, but my son was looking sleepy awhile ago and went to slumber."

"OK, but I'm curious about your son. May I visit his room?"

"Princess, would you like that me escort you to my son?"

"No need, just tell me what room and I can also explore this Walker Mansion that was passed by generation to generation."

"Well, if it's like that then I'll just tell you on details where to walk princess."

"Thank you, Mr. Adam."

"It's my honor princess."

After Adam told her the location of the room, she calmly excused her self living the people at the table curious about why the princess was eager to see the baby but they ignored it but her Royal father and mother saw a glint of excitement from her daughter that they didn't see for a while after that bloody night.

The princess went directly straight to Ezy's room location as fast as she can and when she was on the door, she knocks three times.


As Natalia and Naomi heard the knocking on the door, both of them panic and tried to call Ezy but the phone was not answered making them worried while they panic about how will cover that the baby is not here.

5 minutes later, the door opens while Vicky saw a beautiful red-haired woman in the crack of the door while at her back was pitched black.

"Yes Miss, are you lost?" Natalia was surprised by the beauty of the woman who was knocked, making her think that this woman knocks on the wrong door.

"No, I am not... I am here to visit the host's son." Vicky said while hiding her identity to surprise Ezy while confused why a woman in a sexy nightgown babysitting a baby.

"Sorry, the baby is now sleeping..."

"I just want to see the baby even it's sleeping, I will just take a little time, I promise..."

"Miss, the....." Natalia was stopped in the middle while Vicky introduced her self seeing Natalia still insisting not to let her in.

After Natalia heard that the person was the princess, she froze while sweat is starting to drip down her forehead and her face is now pale from the panic that how can she reply to that.

Vicky saw this and a worried shown on her face and she forcefully came in while going to the bed but the baby was not there. She closed her eyes and felt no one is observing her while remembering something important.

Vicky brought out her phone and called her father.

"Victoria, did something happened?"

"Father, is Mr. Adam and Mrs. Amor still with you? " hearing the names of the parent of the baby made Natalia and Naomi worried about how to explain where the baby is.

"No, Adam help his wife to rest in her room a second ago. Why?"

"Father, is the 5 head of the clan present on their table?"

"Umm? No, they told me they went somewhere." Hearing her daughter's worried voice, he also starts to worry about something.

"I think, they are in the secret meeting room of the walker mansion, ok father thank you"

"We will go with you Victoria, wait for us." King Vernon was surprised that her daughter knows that secret room that only the heads, crowned king, queen and the present king can only know.

"..... Please don't bring mom..." and hung up the phone.

King Vernon heard his daughter's pleading voice, he asks her wife the stay and order two bodyguards to stay with her wife.

They meet with her daughter who doesn't look good for some reason but she insisted to speed up and went to the secret room while leaving the others outside to guard.

Entering the room, King Vernon smell the room and almost vomit from the stench inside but what baffled him is that all of the dukes still sitting here while fear struck him. Looking at the back of the baby while the lower part is inside of a person. He saw the 5 Duke stands up and surrounding him and his children while looking worried and like they are prepared to die guarding them against this anomaly.

But before he asks a question about what happened here, King Vernon heard his daughter speak.

"Ezy...Please Stop..."

Thank you again,

Wish you all liked it and also added my Novel to your library

All hail for that one wish!!!

Wished you enjoy

Check out my female characters

(only problem is the males)


EzyGuLakycreators' thoughts