
Teeth, Toes, Eyes

"You are sad about losing your bag, aren't you?"

Serenica turned around. She had been smoking her pipe, the only thing she had managed to salvage, it was in her pocket most of the time, after all.

She had not been mourning her bag, and it was more than a bit annoying to have Myorka suggest that she was that self-centered. She had been missing the Dreamer, not concerned about material things at all.

"No," the healer said bluntly. "I don't know what you think of me. Has your respect for me somehow vanished during the time I spent away from you? I am worried about my prince. And Ligur, and you, and your husband."

"Don't be worried about me or Spade. We can manage."

"Can he, though?" Serenica rubbed her eye, trying to mask the fact that she had been crying. "He is doing many things that seem like bad coping methods."
