
Gu Chaoyan's mind raced as she considered the possible identities of the person who held a grudge against her mother. However, she quickly dismissed the idea of Mrs. Gu, as she believed her stepmother lacked the capability and motive. Furthermore, Mrs. Gu would have likely used this information as a bargaining chip during their confrontation, which she did not.

Gu Zhenkang, her father, was also ruled out as a suspect. Gu Chaoyan pondered if the grudge stemmed from an enemy of the Lin Family, but that would have likely put the daughter of the Lin Family in danger as well, especially since she was just a young child at the time.

These were all mere speculations, and Gu Chaoyan knew that a thorough investigation was necessary to uncover the truth.

There were still people alive who were connected to her past—Chen Fu and the Lin Family. They might hold valuable information that could provide her with clues.
