

We were sitting in the hospital cafeteria, waiting for mom. Aunt Jenny has bought me some donuts and a cup of peppermint tea. I don't exactly have the appetite to eat after what happened to mom but I feel bad for Aunt Jenny. She has been trying to calm me ever since she got here.

I took a few bites from the donut and finished my peppermint tea. I'm feeling anxious.

"Have you heard anything from the nurse?" I asked her.

Just as her about to answer my question, she got a call from the female ward.

"Hello? Uhuh...Okay...We'll be there in a bit, " she said and hung up the phone.

"Megan has been transferred to the female ward on the fifth floor," she mumbled.

"Is she alright? Can we go now?" I asked, feeling more anxious than ever.

"You haven't finished your food yet, " Aunt Jenny said.

I sighed. "I don't have the appetite to eat. Just take it with us. I want to see mom as soon as possible," I muttered.

She packed up the donuts and brought them with us. We're headed towards the elevator. I pressed the 'going up' button. We waited for a few minutes until the elevator arrived.

After we reached the fifth floor, I fasten my pace and headed towards the nurses' counter. "Excuse me. May I know where Mrs. Megan Wallis's room is?"

"Are you associated with Mrs. Wallis?" the nurse asked.

"Yes. I'm her daughter and this is my aunt, " I said, pointing my finger to Aunt Jenny.

"Dr. Frances has been waiting for you in room 507. Continue straight ahead, and turn right past the pantry. The room is on the far end," she said with a smile on her face.

I nodded. We followed her directions and arrived at my mom's wardroom shortly after. I slide the door opened. There are a few nurses inside with a middle-aged man who I assume is Dr. Frances.

"How is she, Dr. Frances?" Aunt Jenny asked the middle-aged man as I walk past them and sat on the chair next to my mom's ward bed.

The man led them outside. I was left alone with my mom and the two other nurses. The door was closed. I can't hear what they were saying. I can only see them through the room's glass window.

I glance at my mom. Holding her hand without ever letting it go and thought to myself. "Mom, please wake up."

After moments of talking outside, the middle-aged man finally walked back inside the wardroom. I can hear Aunt Jenny crying softly outside.

"Miss Rylee I'm going to tell you straight to the point. Mrs. Wallis has been skipping her yearly mammogram and I'm sorry to tell you this, her breast cancer has reached Stage IV. By this stage, the cancer is no longer curable because it has spread beyond the breast and has been affecting her lungs, "   Dr. Frances announced, as he handed me a piece of film sheet. An X-ray revealed that my mom's left lung had collapsed.

Emotionally, I was in shock, unable to get my mind around what Stage IV breast cancer is, if no cure, what are treatment options? I was overwhelmed. The news hit me like a ton of bricks to my face. I don't know how to respond. I completely froze in shock. Tears stream down my face.

Aunt Jenny, who's been crying outside went inside and pull me into her embrace. Although I have a lot of questions, nothing seems to come out of my mouth.

"I'll give you two a moment. I will update you again soon. See you guys later, " he said and left with the two nurses.

"Did you know about this?" I asked Aunt Jenny. I was still shocked.

She let out a sigh. "I do."

"Why didn't you tell me, " I replied, bursting out crying.

"I'm sorry Ry. I made a promise to Megan that I won't tell anyone about it and that include you, " she said, with a sympathetic look in her eyes. At that time I felt angry. I pulled away from her hug and pushed her aside. "I can't believe you guys kept this from me."

"I'm so sorry Rylee. I am, " she said, sobbing.

"How long has she's been sick? I asked. Demanding an answer.

"Almost 4 years now. A year after you moved out of the house, she discovered a lump on her right breast. She went to see an oncologist for a mammogram and the CT showed the tumor on her right breast. She was supposed to undergo a mastectomy last year but she declined because her past mammograms show that the tumor had disappeared. She even declines to do chemotherapy. She's afraid that her hairs will fall off and you will suspects that something's wrong with her immediately, " she said.

"Not letting me know about this is more important than her health. I can't believe this, " I replied in disbelief.

Aunt Jenny look me straight in the eyes. "Megan doesn't want you to worry. Since you just started to build up your career as an author, your success is more important to her than her health condition."

I was dumbfounded. She risks her own life by keeping her sickness to herself. "My career is not important. Why? Just why did you guys keep this from me. For 4 years?" I can't control myself. I burst out crying again.

"I'm so sorry Rylee. I wish I'd tell you sooner. Megan did not fall this morning. She was scouring for her medicines but she couldn't find them. I make up an excuse to go back and get her medicine but I was too late, " she explained.

"More secrets? I don't...I just can't handle this right now. I just found out my best friend is cheating on my boyfriend and now, you guys are hiding my mother's sickness from me. Great. What else do I need to know?" I spurt. Before Aunt Jenny could even answer, I blurted out. "You know what, I'm leaving. Call me when mom is awake." I stormed out of the room.
