
Intertwined Bodies (1)

Stirring after only a few hours of sleep, Evanna woke to the glimmering lights of the magic around her casting colours across her features and Arawn's. Arawn, her husband, lay there looking oh so ethereal, his long lashes brushing the top of his cheek. He was far too good-looking for his own good. If he wasn't always glaring or staring at others like they were wasting his precious time, then many would approach him.

Evanna slowly pushed back a stray hair sliding down his chiselled cheek. She was glad that he wasn't approachable; it meant she had him all to herself. Oops! Evanna huffed a light giggle. Did she really just think like that?

Arawn's lips twitched, a sign that he was awake. With his eyes still closed, a smirk drew on his lips. "I hope you are not laughing at my performance. I'll have you know, you have been asleep for hours," he jested, his arm hooking around Evanna's waist as he did so.
