
Frozen Depths

Stopping where the crowds parted to the newcomer, Ger's gaze locked with Evanna's. His features were harder, clothes the same as before, bloodied, torn, yet he was standing, his shoulders straight, head held high. Their last moments together flashed between them, Evanna was sure Ger could barely crawl before the dragon fell atop him, yet he was here without any injury. 

Evanna's legs sprang into action even before she had a chance to fully process Arawn's cautionary words. She eluded Ronan's outstretched hand and cast aside any concerns for etiquette. The princess raced towards Ger, and the closer she got, the more she realised there WAS something different about Ger. But she couldn't quite figure out what it was. She jumped towards him, her arms wrapping around his neck as tears trickled down her cheeks. 
