
The Ball: Part Two

Evanna did not wish to witness Conrad's lack of respect for her. She lost her composure the moment he stopped in front of a beautiful brunette who looked up at him through her lashes, her eyes shining brightly. The Princess's palm had twitched with the desire to slap him in front of everyone, to shame him as he did her so arrogantly at her ball. But she pushed down the desire, letting her anger fester in her chest instead while working on her next course of action. But to think rationally right now was impossible with being so close to her betrothed.

Betrothed. Ha! The word tasted like a sour grape in her mouth while she fought to keep her composure, walking as elegantly as possible out of the Great Hall. She was saving face for now, but any who were near the northern Prince and might see her leave would deem her weak for running away. Weak.. It was better for all that she left for some fresh air. 
