
Chapter-25 Love is in the air?


Enjoying the party along with Alexander was fun and a chore both. It was fun because as you all might already know, how much I like the guy, but it was a chore because of his sense of ultra Pro Max protection towards me.

And when I say Ultra Pro Max, I do mean it.

He has been standing close to me, ever since we entered the club, and guess what, he isn't even dancing on the floor in the first place.

Just imagine how awkward it was for me to dance freely with girls when he was always behind me, standing soo close. Though the occasional bumping into him and falling in his arms or his accidentally touching my skin because of the crowd was something I can't complain about.

It was also funny to see him like that.

Whenever he has to go somewhere and by chance did any guy comes to me to ask for a dance at that time, I don't know from where would he always appear to scare the shit out of the guy.

He would always quote after scaring the guy, 'They are not good.'
