
19.19 Second Red Star - Rescue Mission II

Again, Kian and Roan were at a loss for how to respond to their comrade's query. It is not like they can just say, "It is the Zergs; they choose to help us." That would sound absurd, particularly to Lucas, who only had the deaths of all of his lifelong allies as his final recollections of the Hive. Ultimately, Kian purposefully sidetracked the conversation from the subject of who was assisting them on their rescue operation.

The Halfling Kian said to the Hybrid Lucas, "Forget about that for now. Let's leave as soon as possible before the military gathers and catches us."

"Everyone, move as a group. Don't get separated!" Roan said as they now ventured on their way above the surface.

The rescue mission to save Lucas can now be considered a half-success. They just have to escape the military barracks safely and head to the spaceship in the forest.


Meanwhile, at the laboratory...
