
18.172 First Grey Star - World Restoration and Resurrection

Ye Jieye unexpectedly showed up and saved the mortals from the coming calamity. Though he arrived suddenly, he had a powerful and imposing presence. However, he appears looking mainly annoyed and angry. His wife's life expectancy was reduced as a result of these misfortunes. However, everyone heard him mention how his wife was sleeping through all of these global catastrophes. This was the reason this apathetic God of Void directly intervened.

It was Ye Jingya who started the questioning. They do not know what to ask first, although they have a lot. Although they previously knew that Mo Xuejing was a god, does Ye Jieye now become even more of a god in light of what he just witnessed?

"Child, can I ask? Is my grandson a god? What are you guys?" Ye Jingya asked.
