
Prologue: You Have Been Slain

A young man is sitting in a chair while playing a famous MOBA game in the world, League of Legends.

"Come on! Let's counter push!, let's do a base race with this shitheads" shout the young man to his companions in the voice-chat while clicking madly on the mouse.

"Hey J!! go push! while we def the base, you've got almost 1k stacks" a voice can be heard on the young man's overly loud headphones.

the young man, J, as he was called by his friends followed what he was told and pushed the botlane with his well-fed characted, Nasus.

He is just one-shotting each minions, even the cannon minions were killed by a single first skill.

He goes to the inhibitor tower at the cover of his minion wave.

*Your team has destroyed a turret* a synthesized female voice announced

He destroyed a turret with a few hits and immediately attacks the enemy inhibitor

*Your turret has been destroyed*

*An enemy has been slain*

*Double Kill*

*Your ally has been slain*

*Your inhibitor has been destroyed*

A continuous prompt was relayed by the synthesized voice as he bash the enemy inhibitor with his normal attack and 1st skill.

*Your team has destroyed an inhibitor*

"Go Jin! use your goddamn ult to push!! End!!" another shout was heard from the headphones as he was pushing the last two turrets.

"I'm gonna ult. let's end this" Jin said in a calm voice while raining 1st skills on the turrets.

*You destroyed a turret*

*Your team destroyed a turret*

After the prompts, he targeted the enemy nexus and goes for it.

However, the enemy players respawned while he is halfway from destroying the nexus.

Skills rained upon him, Amumu throws his 1st skill, bandage toss, Jin flashed away onto the oyher side of the nexus to dodge Amumu's skill while still hitting the nexus.

'Last hit' he said internally.

He pressed Q then clicked at the nexus to hit it.


His computer monitor suddenly explode, the glass shards of the now broken screen hits his face, eyes, mouth, and neck.

Yes the glass that pierced his neck is fatal, but a small glass that hits his eyes traveled into his brain and killed him almost instantly.

*You have been slain*

He heard that robotic synthesized female voice that he hears everyday before he was devoured by darkness, as if mocking him of what happend to him.
