

In a forest🌳🌳🌲

Some people can be seen inside a forest searching for something, they are looking in between the trees and bushes on the ground, when they heard the sound of a tree branch breaking the it fell off giving those people a clue of where the thing they were searching for is, they all looked up and behold they saw three people (youths) hiding on the tree. When those three people discovered that their hide out have been blown the were disheartened.

"Shit !!" the first youth cursed after seeing their enemies looking at them, they tried to run but will their enemies allow them? the answer is definitely.......no. One of the enemies faced them while his eyes turned white and one of the youth that was on the tree fell down and his facial expression was not good due to the pain of falling from a tall tree and the pain the enemy with the white eyes is giving him. The remaining 2 jumped down to help him, with one of them throwing a stone at the enemy whose eyes turned white earlier while the other youth helped him up,they succeeded because the stone that hit the enemy successfully distracted him and this stopped the pain that he was feeling.

The three youth were really angry " shit you crawlers are all insane and you are being unfair by attacking 3 young youths while you are 6 this is unfair, you people will always be filthy and will never have control over we the red blood, at least we are not unfair by attacking a person with like a dozen of people we fight justly which is one on one but you guys are being immature.one of the youths said.

"Hmmph, we are not being unfair you three younglings are just being unlucky to have encountered us and guess what you are gonna be killed and roasted" one of the crawlers replied and the others laughed.

The three youth were extremely furious at the crawlers that they pounced on them the crawlers then discovered that they could not control them again and they were going to lose and that is because of the anger of the youths, when their prey is angry the crawlers are rendered powerless because anger is an emotion that is hard to control due to this the crawlers lose control and they are liable to death if they do not flee. The crawlers were trapped and were killed by the three red blood youth when it remained the last crawler to die he begged for mercy but when someone is angry nobody is spared especially someone who just bragged to kill you, then before the last crawler could run he was beaten by the red blood and his blood splattered everywhere....... yuck🤪🤪 disgusting.


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